Clone multiple projects to another PC

Ruben Garcia
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October 3, 2022

Hi Atalassian community!


I have around 200 git projects stored in my GitLab account and all of them managed through SourceTree


I got a laptop to work sometimes outside office and I'm trying to clone all those projects to that laptop (keeping active the ones in my desktop)


Copy pasting folders works, but I need to add them one-by-one to SourceTree, is there any option in SourceTree to scan a folder to automatically detect all projects inside?


Thanks in advance!

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Danish Mughal
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I'm New Here
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October 3, 2022

I never met with this kind of issue while managing 20+ project like Snpl Complains. Realated to GitLab Which is formerly at high  

Ruben Garcia
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 5, 2022

Sorry I do not understand exactly what you mean...

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