I'm running Sourcetree 3.1.2 on a Windows 10 computer. I recently changed my GitHub account from using my work email to my personal email. I couldn't get Sourcetree to access GitHub before, and now that I've deleted the old account and added my new one and correct password it still can't access it. I've read through other questions on this type of issue but the responses were from 6 years ago, so likely not relevant to Sourcetree 3.1.2.
In Sourcetree, Tools-->Options-->Authentication seems to have my correct Github information, ID, password, etc. I have it set for Authentication: OAuth and Protocol: SSH. When I try to set this account as default for github.com, it warns me:
"Are you sure you want to set <ID> as the default username for use with 'github.com' when no username is included in the DVCS url?"
I have no clue what a DVCS url is or how to change it. Could this be the problem?
Under the same Tools-->Options-->Authentication screen, under "Git Saved Passwords" I have the correct password set for my github ID, and it says "Authentication: Basic". Could this be "fighting" with the other setting that says "Authentication: OAuth"? I don't know what either of these means or how they differ. Could this be the problem? How would I fix it?
Whenever I try to push my local changes to github I get:
git-c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin master:master
fatal: HttpRequestException encountered.
An error occurred while sending the request.
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for<URL>
Pushing to <URL>
Completed with errors, see above.
How can I make this work?
P.S. Upgraded to Sourctree 3.4.3. Same issues.