Can't enable Git support by any means

Jack JackD February 27, 2018

SourceTree suddenly stopped working for me today. When I first started it up, it couldn't find my Git install. Downloading embedded Git didn't work. Sourcetree would download the files then the popup would come up again (tried this 3 times. Trying to manually locate Git did nothing. Clicking the option just brings the popup back immediately and plays and error noise as does trying to let sourcetree look again. I've updated Sourcetree to 2.48 and Git 2.16.2 64 bit. 

2 answers

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Jack JackD March 12, 2018

I've narrowed down part of the problem. After updating Windows, sourcetree started working but the update caused my computer to become unstable and crash randomly so I had to uninstall it once again rendering sourcetree unusable with Git.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 20, 2018


Sourcetree will look in some known locations for git, e.g. accessible via the PATH or in standard install folders in c:\program files\ or c:\program files (x86).

It if finds a git.exe it will try running

git.exe version

It will try to parse the output to check it gets an expected result and is a supported version, essentially any 1.x or 2.x version.

I suspect you are getting some error when trying to run git.exe version

Can you see if there are any errors relating to running git version?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2018


Can you check to see if embedded git appears to be installed in %localappdata%\Atlassian\Sourcetree\git_local ?

Do you have Git installed on your PATH? When you try to locate Git it will check the PATH  first it is possible that it s finding git.exe on your PATH but then failing to run it properly.

Is there anything in the %localappdata%/Atlassian/Sourcetree/sourcetree.log?

Jack JackD March 6, 2018

gitlocal.pngHeres what I have in git_local. My sourcetree.log file is pretty excessively lengthy and repetitive. Is there a specific error I should be looking for or should I just be posting the hundreds line of text here?

Again, part of the problem is that I don't seem to be allowed to manually direct Sourcetree to git. When I do, the alert window just pops back up without ever giving me the option to locate my git install.

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