Can only push to a feature branch once, then it disappears. Maybe related to clone depth being set.

jamie December 22, 2020

I have a repo I've taken on where I had to set the clone depth to 1 in SourceTree as it wouldn't clone the entire repo (would error every attempt). I was able to clone the repo with GitKraken without changing the depth, but the repo is private and I only have the free version of GitKraken.

Making the assumption that the clone depth is the cause, when I create a feature off the develop branch I can push once to said feature and then it's no longer listed as a branch to push to. Master and develop are still listed, but not the feature. I can see the feature branch in BitBucket. Fetching from origin also doesn't list the feature.

The only work around I've found is to finish the feature (yes, I can finish it) then re-create the same named feature and push to that. If I stage changes and commit them to push, I cannot then see those changes once committed and not able to push either.

If it is because the depth is set to 1 (no other repo does this), is there a way to change the repo depth now that I have the most recent commit? Assuming there's less to pull down.

1 answer

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jamie December 22, 2020

Thinking about it, the clone depth was only the initial clone. All the history is being listed since that point.

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