Unable to clone repos

Kirankumar Sirigiri
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January 18, 2023

Hi Team,

Great day and Thanks in advance,

I am facing an issue while clone the bitbucket repository to my local using SourceTree


Steps followed:

1. env - Windows 11 Pro

2. SourceTreeSetup-3.4.11 -- installed

3. https://bitbucket.org/libertywireless/xxxx/src/master/ -- bitbucket url

4. Logged in bitbucket 

5. Navigate to the repository as point 3

6. click on clone

7. select the HTTPS option and copied the url

8. open SourceTree

9. under remote tab have seen the repository (point 3) with private option

10. click on clone

11. after some time getting "This is not a valid path/url

12. Details popup - 

Command: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks ls-remote https://xxxxxxxxx@bitbucket.org/libertywireless/xxxxxxx.git
Error: remote: Login failed due to incorrect login credentials or method.
remote: If you are unsure of which login details or login method to use, visit:
remote: https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/log-into-or-connect-to-bitbucket-cloud/
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://bitbucket.org/libertywireless/circles-performance-test.git/'


Please help me and sort out to clone repository..

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Victor Menes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 19, 2023

Hey Kirankumar,


Let's try to learn together with the issue you have received, we will surely find a way to resolve it :)


Before trying to help with this login failure while trying to clone, I would like to understand if that only happens to this repo you have being trying to work with.

As a workaround, have you tried cloning using SSH? If yes, does that work? Otherwise, below is a good article to help you setting that up and cloning using that protocol:

Set up SSH with Sourcetree 


Now, about the issue you have been facing while trying to clone with HTTPS:

- Are you using Git Credentials Manager to get this authentication? If yes, could you please validate the credentials there and make sure it is good?

- Also, still on Git Credentials Manager, could you please try to uninstall it and run the git command manually entering the credentials (username and password) during HTTPS clone and check if it works?

- You might wanna check this article for troubleshooting it:

Authentication Error - "remote: Invalid username or password" 


I hope this helps resolving it or at least getting your clones back to operation :)

Victor Menes

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