Hi Team,
Great day and Thanks in advance,
I am facing an issue while clone the bitbucket repository to my local using SourceTree
Steps followed:
1. env - Windows 11 Pro
2. SourceTreeSetup-3.4.11 -- installed
3. https://bitbucket.org/libertywireless/xxxx/src/master/ -- bitbucket url
4. Logged in bitbucket
5. Navigate to the repository as point 3
6. click on clone
7. select the HTTPS option and copied the url
8. open SourceTree
9. under remote tab have seen the repository (point 3) with private option
10. click on clone
11. after some time getting "This is not a valid path/url
12. Details popup -
Command: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks ls-remote https://xxxxxxxxx@bitbucket.org/libertywireless/xxxxxxx.git
Error: remote: Login failed due to incorrect login credentials or method.
remote: If you are unsure of which login details or login method to use, visit:
remote: https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/log-into-or-connect-to-bitbucket-cloud/
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://bitbucket.org/libertywireless/circles-performance-test.git/'
Please help me and sort out to clone repository..