Hi all,
Happy Friday.
Does anyone know how to escalate a bug ticket or at least get some information on why a service ticket isn't being responded to?
I love Atlassian and Confluence but I am getting increasingly frustrated and disheartened by broken functionality in basic macros and then not being able to get any information on resolution SLAs.
And advice would be welcome. (Excepting snark. Nobody has time for snark.)
Hi Jeff,
Is the bug you are referring to https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-62589 ? I took a closer look at this issue and it appears this issue was initially prioritized below what we would expect in our Bug fixing policy.
That particular bug has had its priority raised from Low to High just in the last hour. So I would expect this to be getting some more attention soon. However I don't have a clear time table on when exactly this problem will get resolved.
I hope this helps.
Hi Andy,
Yes, that helps a lot. But also https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-57804
It's been frustrating trying to understand SLAs without clear communication, especially when priority level is raised to high or critical. We cannot communicate with our managers and stakeholders if we don't understand the delays or the complexities of the situation.
In terms of the anchor linking issue, I understand that it takes a little bit of time to analyze the issue before you understand it and can make a plan for resolution. But may I suggest that part of your policy when issues reach a certain priority level is to add a comment about estimates or even reasons for what's going on so that we can take that information back to our stakeholders?
Thanks for contacting me on this, I greatly appreciate it.