Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you might find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Created Dec 2, 2020, Last active Jan 14, 2025
...iscover how to work more efficiently, improve responsiveness, enhance service delivery, and accelerate mission success. Plus, be the first to hear the latest on the Atlassian roadmap for the public s...
Please introduce yourself! Tell us your name, what you do, the Atlassian Products that you use, and, if you'd like, post a picture of your desktop! For the Aug 8 AUG Attendees, in order to qu...
Hey fellow Atlassians! This site is used to promote our Atlassian User Group as well as to post comments, questions, etc. for your local network to answer. Don't be shy! If it's your first ...
the important of hiring a professional engineer in your construction work is countless. The beauty of engineering can only be seen or felt when their work is done with practical and excellent in the ...
Good day everyone! We recorded our last talk and has been uploaded to Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smyIpc5TIxI Hope you all enjoyed it and we look forward to December's!
We had a great meetup tonight!! Slide are available here. I forgot to hit the record button so no video. If you'd like to see this presentation again, please let me know in the comments...
Good morning folks! Thanks for your patience! Link to the video has been posted. Slide Deck
I'm not going to beat a dead horse: we're suspending in-person meetings. Not to make light of what's going on, but I'm not going to say anything you haven't heard. Yada yada yada wash y...
Hello RVA! I'm actively searching for Presenters and Venues. While the library is cool, we'd like to explore places where we can, you know, have alcohol. If your company would like ...
...opularity will make it difficult for us to continue our group there on a regular basis. If your company would like to host, please let me know. Current contender is the Henrico Public Library in S...
Hi everyone. My name is Scott Thurston, I work as a Scrum Master and Jira admin at Elephant Insurance. We use the cloud version of Jira software. I would like to meet other "cloud" ...
Hi All, thanks for setting up this group. I just came across it today looking for info on Jira. I am a low level user of both Jira and Confluence at my company. I believe we also use some of the othe...
If it's just me talking, this AUG is going to get boring real fast. So, if you would like to present (or have an idea on a presentation) please comment below or contact me directly at michael.s...
We're always looking for presenters. You don't need to be an expert or even a power user. If you have a unique take on a functionality, or you have a cool use case, and you want to share ...
The hope is to have AUG events on the first or second Thursday of the month, depending on speaker and venue availability. The following dates have been confirmed for the remainder of 2019: 9/12...
Are you interested in hosting an Atlassian User Group? Maybe you want to sponsor the meetup? Read on for more info! Venue Sponsorship If you and your company would like to ho...
Welcome to Richmond, VA, home of the triple crossing! This group is open to all, but mainly used by members of the Atlassian User Group in Richmond. Photo is by Mobilus In Mobili and is licensed via CC-BY 2.0
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