JIRA Cloud - SAML 2.0 - Azure AD - What can it actually do!?

Morten Stensgaard
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March 9, 2018


We are currently looking into getting SAML 2.0 Single-Sign-On our Atlssian Cloud instance.

But when looking into the documentation, the details of SSO is described somewhat vague in details?!

  1. Can I create and control users through our Azure AD?
  2. Can I assign the AD users specific group/roles to control the access/applications rights? (Give access to JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket incl. Internal/External user role) 
    1. I do NOT what to sync all X employees into Identity Manager - Only a subset of AD users given a specific role.

Can someone please help me clarify the above questions and also give some feedback/review on how Identity Manager is working and if they are satisfied with it(because it is quite expensive!)


Kind regard



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