How do I recover an account that was lost during acquisition of another company

Dikesh Chokshi
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September 17, 2020

Cogent6 has acquired the assets of CandidateGuru and ElevatedCareers. However, they did not keep the account active and it has lapsed for over a year. I am wondering if I can reinstate the account, especially the Confluence part of it.


The only link I have is



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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 28, 2020

Hello @Dikesh Chokshi,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Thank you for sharing the link. I was able to confirm that the subscription of this site was canceled in August 2019. 

With that said, it's not possible to recover the site and its content anymore.

For more details, please check the documentation below:

Recover a site that's been canceled 

Once your site has been deactivated (i.e. your site has been taken offline), you have two weeks to pay your outstanding quote or contact Atlassian to have the site restored before your data will be permanently deleted.

If you need to reactivate your Cloud subscription for any reason, let us know. Note that data backups for permanently deleted instances can sometimes be retrieved with our Support team within the first month after your instance has been deleted.


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