how to create a group

Jill Thyne
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October 8, 2014

There are 18 members who have viewing access in a particular space.  Some are familiar with wiki use, others are not.  Everytime I upload information they receive an update - sometimes up to 30 emails in a day.  Rather than ask them to manage their space by turning off the notification at their end (thereby effectively disconnecting them from the forum for an unknown amount of time depending upon their willingness to be involved in the first instance) I have been advised to create a 'group' so that as the administrator, I can remove the group, administrate, then add the group back in when i'm finished, thus eliminating the unnecessary emails.  One notification is all they will receive each time a wad of info is added.  Adding one group in rather than 18 individuals would be ideal.  I have read about this previously.  Thanks. 

1 answer

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Deleted user October 8, 2014

Hi Jill,

you need to be Confluence Administartor to create groups. Please have a look at the following page for further information:


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