Identify Watchers

Walter Haas August 1, 2019


is it possible to idenitfy who is watching Questions as such?

I was setting up new new Space and wanted to create a test question with a new topic that was not used before and where I am the only watcher. Suddenly I got responses from all kind of users who received an email notification about this question.

Thank you

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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 2, 2019

Hello Walter,

There are a few options for finding out who is watching a space within Confluence. Accessing the database is an option, but there are better solutions then directly access the data. There are marketplace apps available which may facilitate this requirement. I was only able to find one free app which helps with listing the watchers of a space. You may find this app at SpaceAuditor system audit and statistics.

Other apps which are paid for may be found at Atlassian Marketplace | Watchers | Confluence Server.

I hope this information proves helpful and you’re able to locate a list of all the watches of a space.

Stephen Sifers

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