Hello 2019!!

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 1, 2019

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you have had a blast with friends and family over the holiday season and you procured sufficient rest to propel you into a fabulous and prosperous new year.

So, with that being said, online communities are only successful if everyone participates and not only by commenting, but also by inviting friends! 

We hold in our hands the power to make a difference, lets share how we make a difference everyday and hopefully we can inspire other to follow suit.

I try everyday to turn the water off while brushing my teeth, reuse bags as often as possible, (I am trying to eliminate plastic all together), zero waste when cooking(when possible, I am still learning) walking the extra mile when possible and most importantly, I remind myself everyday, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE OTHER PERSON IS GOING THROUGH, let that person in, whether it be the grocery line or the traffic stop, let the other in, it could make their day. One random act of kindness a day!

I plan to strive for excellence everyday, what are your goals this year?

Cheers and love,







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