A new article about Automated Release Notes just released!

Fabian A. Lopez (Community Leader - Argentina, Florida, California)
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February 14, 2019

I just published another article addressing the topic of the month, Marketplace Apps. In this one I tried to show how by using some extra tricks and imagination you could increase the use of an app beyond the original designed scope. In that way you can expand the users' base to generate a compelling reason to purchase a new app. Challenge that all of us that have limited budget need to overcome.

The source of the article was a training material that I developed for my team to show additional usage while explaining the basics of the app and the presentation from our last AUG meeting.

I used Automated Release Notes for Jira and the title of the article is: From Jira to Confluence with few clicks and BOOM x 15! (I borrowed the BOOM from our AUG Co-Leader @Carl Allen )

It is probably too technical, but I hope it helps to see how we can extend the usage of the apps.





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