Is there a filter for alerts associated with no incident?

Dominik Roos January 10, 2022

While in the /alert/list view, is there a way to filter out all the alerts that are related to an incident and only show the alerts that are not associated with any incident?

A manual way would be to add a tag to every alert that is associated with an incident and filter based on that. However, that takes quite a bit of manual work that I would preferably want avoid.

This seems to be related to However, I'm only interested in the possibility to filter alerts based on incidents.

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Atlassian Team
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January 10, 2022

Hi @Dominik Roos !


Any Associated Alert (i.e. an alert that matched an incident rule and created an incident, or got associated to an existing incident) will have an Extra Property field of 

incident-alert-type: Associated



So you can query for all non-associated alerts with the following query

NOT incident-alert-type: Associated



Hope that helps!




Dominik Roos January 10, 2022

Hi Samir

Cool, that is exactly what I was looking for!

Thank you.

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