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I'm looking to create a saved search, but do not want to include a service name as part of it

Doug Garcia October 17, 2023

I apologize if this has already been asked elsewhere, but didn't find the answer after looking on the Opsgenie support and a quick look at online documentation.

I am creating a new service and want to see if there is an easy way to exclude the new service as part of a search with some type of syntax != "XXXX" or NOT "XXXX".  So far what I've tried hasn't worked.

I know I can create a search with syntax services: "XXXX" OR "YYYY", but it would be just easier if I can make two saved searches since one of them will have to encompass a lot of services.

1. if service equals X

2. if service does not equal X

Thank you for any help!


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Brennan Kiely
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 18, 2023

Hi Doug,

This depends on where you're building the search.

On the Incidents page, you can exclude a service with: services!: "[Service_Name]"

On the Services page, you can exclude a service with: name!: "[Service_Name]"



Doug Garcia October 19, 2023

Awesome, thank you Brennan, that is exactly what I needed!



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