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How to automatically create an alert in Opsgenie when a ticket in Jira ITSM is created

Sachin Dhole
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July 15, 2024

I created automation rule into Jira SM for When: Issue created if match Priority then send web request into opsgenie for alert creation. But it is not working. I checked into audit log of JiraSM automation rule. Its showing success. Nothing is there no correspondence alert into Opsgenie.

Please suggest.


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Fernando Eugênio da Silva
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July 15, 2024

@Sachin Dhole , Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Wouldn't it be easier if you created this integration based directly on Jira's integration with Opsgenie?

You can better configure this integration in Opsgenie by going to:
Teams > Select your team
Integrations > Add Integration

Select integration with JSM and define the alert generation conditions on this screen.

It is a direct link between your project and OpsGenie and works more intuitively. Check the documentation here: Integrate Opsgenie with Jira Service Management | Opsgenie | Atlassian Support


Hope this helps you :)


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