Add a document to an Incident record

Jörgen Holmström
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March 2, 2021

 I have created an Incident Record and  status is solved . Is it possible  to add for example a workinglog.txt as an attachment to the Incident record ?

Right now I can not find a solution to my question in the application

If it works would be very nice.

Br and Thanks

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Connor Eyles
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 11, 2021

Hi @Jörgen Holmström 

Hope you are well :)

At the moment it is not possible to add files to Incidents. However, we do have an open feature request for this one (OGS-571) I'll add you as a listed requestor for this one.

At the moment you only have options to add files to Alerts and Postmortems. A possible workaround for you would be adding it to the Postmortem seeing as this is a solved Incident.


Brandon Dow
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I'm New Here
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March 18, 2021

Please add this!  


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Kina Smith
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I'm New Here
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June 8, 2021

Please add this.  I'm in the middle of an incident and have relevant files and can't add them.

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