Opsgenie's Incident Command Center's new, cleaner look!

Based on your feedback and usage metrics we've changed the look of the Incident Command Center (ICC) as of February 10, 2021. You'll see the newer interface once you open a new ICC Session. 



In addition to a cleaner look and feel the redesign includes: 

  • Easily accessible screen-sharing, video, and mute buttons on the bottom of the screen. 
  • The ability to see who is currently speaking by highlighting their name and showing their video. You can also pin a participants video.  
  • Indicators when someone is typing in the chat and clear notifications for new messages. 
  • In the participants panel, you can also see who joined and their camera and audio status. 


The Incident Command Center is available in Opsgenie's Enterprise Plan and Jira Service Management's Premium and Enterprise Plans. Learn more about these changes in our documentation. Let us know what you think of the new look! 




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