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Handling Opsgenie Alerts

Hi everyone,

welcome to the kb articles for Opsgenie FAQs. I'm one of the Technical Support Engineers for Opsgenie who will be providing weekly posts on FAQs from customers.


All alerts are not displayed on the Mobile App


I am not seeing all alerts on the mobile app that are displayed on the Web UI. Is it possible to view all of the account's alerts on the Opsgenie app?



This is currently not possible. The purpose of the Opsgenie app is to provide personal activity, settings, and on call schedules for the specific user. In this case, Owners, Admins, and Users can only view alerts that they are assigned to. You can also view alerts that your team are notified for.


Alerts being closed accidentally


I accidentally closed an alert. Can I reopen it?



Currently there isn’t a feature to reopen closed alerts. The only “undo” function you can execute on an alert is un-acknowledging or “unseeing” them.




Taylor O_Connor
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March 20, 2023

Absolutely bonkers that there's isn't a way to re-open a closed alert. Is that on the roadmap or anything?

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Andrew Zhao
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June 5, 2023

This is really dangerous behaviour, if an alert is closed accidentally and the incident is resolved. If the associated alert re-occurs and reopens the incident then no-one is notified. This could lead to a dangerous state where no one is watching.


Please say this is on the roadmap.

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Marek Samec
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August 15, 2023

Please add the re-open feature for alerts, this is absolute must!

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 18, 2023

+1. This is an important feature!

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