Escalating Incoming Phone Calls Based on Time of Day

This article shows how to route incoming phone calls to different schedules based on the time of day.


Here is an example of the call routing schedule based on time of day:

The Call Routing schedule containing the two rotations, AfterHrsRotation with a participant that is actually an escalation policy:

and a BusHrsRotation with a participant that is another escalation policy:

Normally, we would suggest forwarding the Incoming Calls to an Escalation Policy.

In this example, you are using a schedule to forward the incoming calls to a different escalation policy based on when the call is received.


This is the flow of the incoming Calls when they are forwarded to the IncomingCallRoutingSchedule


The Incoming Call Integration call forwarding settings:


The above configuration is presented in the sequence you would set this up.

The flow of the incoming call, however, would be:

  • From the caller
  • To the incoming call integration number
  • To the IncomingCallRoutingSchedule
  • To the appropriate Escalation Policy depending on the time of day the incoming call is received
  • To the on-call users at that time


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