Alert Deduplication

Atlassian Team
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February 22, 2019

A common question we get is, how does alert deduplication work? Here’s a little insight:


Opsgenie de-duplicates alerts to reduce the number of alerts and prevent alert fatigue. Alerts are deduplicated using the “alias” field which is a user-defined unique identifier for open alerts.

  • Only one alert can be opened with a single alias at any time.
  • If an alert source tries to create a new alert when there is already an alert opened with that given alias, the count of the alert is increased instead of creating a new alert. For more information see our docs.

4 answers

7 votes
Rahman_ Sarmad
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May 10, 2022

@Samir , are there steps to deduplicate alerts? I have visited below link but it doesn't actually addresses how to deduplicate in detail. Where can I actually setup deduplication? Or am I to assume that deduplication happens automatically by checking for same "alias" value and if it's not the same, then it's not duplicated. Can I create a deduplication policy based on "Key words" in the alert since "alias" may not match?

1 vote
Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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February 27, 2019

Thanks for that. Therefore I ike opsgenie :) 

And also, I think you need highlight the correct configuration in this case.



Gonchik Tsymzhitov

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Julian Cobos Moya
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February 15, 2021

how do I get notified after my alarm fails 3 times?

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Christian Henrriquez
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January 29, 2021

Is there a way to disable this? Thank you.

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