⏳ Bash Theme Time Capsule

Andy Gladstone
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March 27, 2023

Everyone is excited about the Bash theme at Team '23 - Early 2000's!

Ahhh, the turn of the the century...

A new millennium...

Such promise with the 20xx calendars replacing the boring old 19xx dates...

We beat Y2K! Celebrate!!!

(Little did we know then what the 2000's would crank out)

But let's focus on the Early 2000's. Some Iconic images below to get your creative juices flowing..

The iPod was launched in 2001 and would revolutionize the way we consume music.


In 2004, for better or worse, Facebook fueled the social media generation


2001: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy launched and smashed box office records

Livestrong bracelets were everywhere in 2004. Only Lance wasn't telling the truth...

Harry, Hermione and Ron not only crept into our bookshelves, but on to our screens too.

Harry Potter MMO Was Cancelled by EA in the Early 2000s Because It Thought  the IP Wouldn't Last

In the spirit of my post earlier today about time capsules, I want to know...

What would be in your early 2000's time capsule?

What book, magazine, movie, song, album, article of clothing or style, game, device, etc. would you see if you were to open a time capsule you buried in the early 2000's? 

Bonus points for responses with pictures, images and GIFs!



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Amanda Barber
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March 27, 2023

Fashion - low-rise, bootcut or flare jeans and layering with camisoles/tanks/shirts/etc. -- never going back to low-rise jeans! I'll stick with the mom jeans, thankyouverymuch.

Amy Poehler Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


I've always listened to a huge variety of music but looking back at the top of the charts for early 2000s - Hey Ya! by OutKast, Daft Punk (One More Time), Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg, and anything by Usher were probably favorites. I graduated high school in 2002, so the early 2000s were filled with lots of underage clubs and college parties. I also listened to lots of older music...thankfully that balanced out the other trash I enjoyed. ;) 

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Andy Gladstone
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March 27, 2023

I have the Tron: Legacy score on my phone, so Daft Punk is a constant in my ears!

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Celina Kuziemko - Appsvio
Atlassian Partner
March 27, 2023

As a massive Potterhead, I'm in love with 00's! ⚡️

We also made a playlist for a Bash party, where each song is our app – that one was crazy to write 😂 💃  Time capsule indeed 😅 https://www.appsvio.com/blog/bash-party-23-00s-playlist-about-jira-and-jira-service-management

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Andy Gladstone
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March 27, 2023

Thanks for posting the playlist, I meant to cross-promote and link in the discussion - but missed out on the opportunity!

Andy Gladstone
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March 27, 2023

My personal time capsule would be reflective of 2001. We had our first child in February, my wife finished her Master's Degree in June, September 11 occurred, and I passed my MCSE. So the capsule would contain:

  • My hospital bracelet
  • The tassel from my wife's graduation cap
  • The September 12, 2021 New York Times
  • A diaper (clean)
  • A picture of the Twin Towers
  • Microsoft MCSE pin
  • And a note that I hope I can live up to the great expectations I had of myself at a time to be a loving father and husband.
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Tamanna Godara
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March 28, 2023

I was a sixth grader then, and I don't remember a thing, I had no personal gadgets at the time, and no TV either. I was living in the full digital detox times. 

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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March 28, 2023

Oooo, this is a great topic, @Andy Gladstone  Yes, copy of the Morgunblaðið newspaper from Sept 12th, 2001. I still remember where I was when I heard the news. I was working in a 5 story building that was split into 2 wings. The only place in the entire building that had antenna plug/connection was in the department right next to me. A wall kind of sheltered them off. They were the A/V service department for customers and us and they turned on a projector connected to an antenna so we were seeing the CNN footage that was aired all that day. Horrible.

We moved back to Iceland in 1999 so an Icelandic flag would be in there too :)

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Ditte Simard
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March 28, 2023

Where did you live before you moved back to Iceland?  Iceland is on my "Must Visit" bucket list.  :)

Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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March 28, 2023

Oh, that is great to hear @Ditte Simard We came to the States for university and then went back home. So, Iceland. When do you hope to go to Iceland?

Ditte Simard
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March 28, 2023

In my early 2000s time capsule, there would only be one thing.... Neopets.  It was a huge phenomenon and I was absolutely obsessed with it as a 10-13 year-old.  I am pretty sure I have a Neopets magazine hiding in my closet somewhere!  Fun fact: I learned some basic HTML skills on Neopets so I could customize my "shop" on the site.


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Jimmy Seddon
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March 28, 2023

Alright @Andy Gladstone, I've been thinking about this one all day.  For early 2000's I was just second/third year of high school.  The coolest thing (and I still have it) was my Playstation 2 and Final Fantasy 10.


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Andy Gladstone
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March 28, 2023

That brings back memories. But not to that era. The last version of Final Fantasy I played was:



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Jimmy Seddon
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March 28, 2023

That was revolutionary for it's time and now 35(ish) years later...


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