This week's edition of Miscellaneous Monday isn't as somber as it sounds, I promise!
It's been proven time and again that smart people tend to also be creative people, and I know you're all smart cookies. Today I'd like to showcase your side hustles, your creative outlets, all the things that you work on when the day is winding down.
I consider myself a Jill-of-all-trades, which my husband will tell you means that I am a borderline hoarder of craft supplies. I enjoy knitting, crochet, sewing, painting, needle tatting, the list goes on and on. Give me some string, and I'm a happy kitty.
Below are some projects I've worked on this past year, and I hope you'll share some of yours as well :)
Halloween costume for a coworker: 'Mortgage Loan Officer Barbie'
Holiday Mug: "All the Jingle Ladies" (Thanks Bey)
Aluminum Cuff Bracelet: "i am enough"
Resin and Micah Paint Pour
Aluminum Cuff Bracelet: "You Got This"
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@miikhy, I am a terrible, terrible programmer, so I envy your ability to create apps! What have you been working on lately, anything you can share?
Thanks for being that supportive. I do feel like programming is not as useful as hand skills in day to day life but hey.... :p
I'm working on an App to bring new features to SIL (Scripting competitor of Script Runner) such as integrating with Tempo. Nothing very secret here, seems like nobody else wants to try it anyway! That should be ready for Summit :p
Not that much exciting, terribly geeky but..... welcome to the Facebook generation lol
I agree with you @miikhy! I love what you do @Meg Holbrook you are amazing.
@miikhy, your skills are way more valuable than mine until such time as the world ends, when I can barter for supplies with knitted socks LOL.
I'm excited to see your new app, are you planning to debut after Summit? Keep me updated, I love trying out new apps ^_^
This is a great topic @Meg Holbrook. It's cool to see what others are passionate about outside of work.
@Meg Holbrook love this theme :)
When I'm not *making* content for our community, I'm making art! And coming from a print-on-demand company, much of that art has also made its way onto other things (aside from walls).
OMG, that sphynx! So much personality.
I'm so impressed by your artwork, I'm in love with all of the color. At best, I can doodle stick figures to amuse my children.
@Bridget 😍😍😍
That pillow of your cat with him posing is so great @Bridget Sauer!
"Bridget, I'm tired of you taking pictures of me".... :D Looks a bit angry or is that the cat's regular facial expression?
I love that Barbie box, @Meg Holbrook! And please tell me you have an Etsy store....
My daughter likes it when I do art with her, and I was pleased with how this recent watercolor came out:
I'm also working on a young adult novel that's a loose retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion:
I am woken in the middle of the night by a tap on my window. The house is heavily alarmed, of course. I have a panic button next to my bed. I’m bleary, confused, about to hit it -- and then I see who is at my window. Erin.
I’m shocked. I had no idea she even knew where I lived. And I’m going to be in so much trouble if my parents…
...well, I’m being shipped off tomorrow morning to a gay conversion camp. I don’t know how much more in trouble I can be. I enter the code to disable the alarm and open the window.
OMG Mo I'm going to line up at Borders until midnight when this book comes out.
@Bridget, you're giving me the Borders sads right now. Many hours I spent waiting for new Harry Potters in front of one ;-;
@Monique vdB The fact you're adapting Persuasion is amaaaaaaazing. You're going to blow all that Twilight/YA nonsense out of the water, just IMO.
As for my Etsy store, it is barren. I have some machine embroidery patterns up right now, but that's it. I was too busy with my career and new kiddo to spend any time on it. Funny that you mention it though, because I was making my new bracelets and such to start ramping up my shop again. I mostly used to sell knitting supplies, but it's going to turn more into miscellany.
Also @Monique vdB, I think it's awesome that your daughter enjoys making art with you. My oldest son thinks working on projects with me is just the worst thing he's ever been subjected to. I was that mom that made him awesome hats for winter and he tossed them aside.
I keep telling him that someday he's going to make me a granddaughter to make up for his lack of interest LOL.
@Meg Holbrook Love this topic, Meg! And I'm obsessed with your paint pour. I've mentioned it before, but I really love taking photos — I find it forces me to appreciate the little things, the things other people might miss. This is a recent favorite from my neighborhood in Brooklyn:
@Community Manager BEAUTIFUL! I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that it helps catch the things we all miss. So many amazing things that just live right in front of us and we're too busy to stop and look. Especially in a place like New York which is so dense.
As always you have a awesome eye Erica
@Community Manager - Your pictures are always amazing when you share them on here. Makes me stop and take that moment to appreciate the views captured in your photos.
@Alana Fernando @Bryan Trummer - ReleaseTEAM Thanks so much, friends!
@Fadoua that is a beautiful photo! Where was it taken?
Just wow!
@Fadoua A-MAZING.
@Fadoua, that's it... i'm coming to live with you.
My family will learn to survive without me.
Thanks Ladies (Women empowerment)! I love you all!
Yay, girls trip, I'm coming too!
amazing @Fadoua
Only a girl’s trip? 😢
@Thomas Schlegel, I need your sassiness, so you can come too.
@Thomas Schlegel you're invited to any and all trips. ❤️
You can't travel to St. Thomas without a real Thomas, of course!
So there are more and more trips to be planned;
I have quite a few different things I am creative with...
I make cosplays like Masquerade Harley Quinn:
I love to draw! Mostly anime:
And a comic from my high school days:
((did you notice she loses her tattoo in the last panel?))
Of course, I also Stream Video games and create my own graphics and website etc. for it... which I have now been sponsored by a pro-gamer (DAFF, CS:GO and Overwatch) to go to TwitchCon!!!!! (October)
I'm also a huge DIY fan. I'm currently redoing my bathroom (pics to come?) and we just finished the porch. Which I don't have pics of right now haha.
I also dabble in photography. And I love to cook all sorts of food. I also knit and crochet but I'm not that good at either.
Go Heth!! I did Poison Ivy one year, it's a little *skimpy* for a public forum LOL.
That is a lot of awesome creativeness there. What video games do you stream?
@Bryan Trummer - ReleaseTEAM Pretty much anything I can get my hands on. Mostly League of Legends as that's my primary game. But I have a function in my stream that lets viewers buy an item that makes me change the game I'm playing... Recent ones have been PUBG, Minecraft, Overwatch, Layers of Fear, Shark Attack Deathmatch 2, Subnautica, Town of Salem, and sadly... their favorite is Amnesia. I. HATE. AMNESIA. I have to play with my Teddy Bear.
That is all very awesome! I have never played Amnesia but seems terrifying.
I love horror movies and stories... but horror games? No thanks. Amnesia is the scariest game I've ever played.
I like working with wood. This is a project I made for my wife (in secret .... which was no small feat) for our 5th anniversary. I kept all the stuff in the basement of my church and worked on it for months here an there.
Davin, that's amazing!! Did she love it? Of course she loved it, it's awesome.
Yeah, she liked it. When I told her I made it she was like "Wha!? How ... where ... when did you make this?" We had been wanting to get a real bed frame and wood is the traditional 5th anniversary gift ... so the idea was born.
Nice work, @Davin Studer! I enjoy woodworking too, I'll post some photos.
You've set the bar really high for all the partners in here looking for anniversary gifts.
Very creative anniversary gift, and IMO way cooler than all the typical jewelry stuff (unless you make the jewelry by hand that is or wood jewelry...) Post photos of your projects too, @Scott Theus 🙌
Awesome! I really like natural wood! At home I have many things made with it. Overall industrial design is cool and oak is the best wood!
Beyond impressed by this, @Davin Studer!
Wow! That is fantastic! I have always been envious of those who can do things like that with wood.
@Community Manager and @Fadoua that's my passion too
Panama? :)
No Mirek that photo was taken on Curacao :)
@Omar HerreraI would never guess that this is an island!!! Gorgeous!
Wow, so beautiful!
@Omar Herrera Stunning. 🙌🏼
Wow, Curacao! Cool :)
Years ago, I used to paint. Pictures like these:
Today, I'm more into photography. I like rainy, dark photos, I think, they are more interesting than the sunny bright ones:
(near Dresden)
Gorgeous rainy day photos! with the convenience of already having my phone everywhere I go, I find that I'm most into photography as a creative outlet as well.
When I travel and live in apartments, I fight the urge to accumulate stuff (including art and crafting materials) and try to live as minimalistically (not a word?) as possible.
I've always been curious about doing pottery on a wheel, so in the next few weeks, I'm going to take a class to learn and hopefully produce something!
Any advice from potters out there in the Community?
Awesome clicks @Thomas Schlegel
wow @Thomas Schlegel, your paintings are excellent. I enjoy the darker photographs as well. Something about stark contrast gives me that nostalgic feels. You have a keen eye for tonal balance.
Your photo of Oslo is particularly striking.
love everything about the photos
@Thomas Schlegel - Those darker photos are fantastic. I just moved to Florida and that Florida is truly amazing.
Thank you all 😊
the clouds were not that dark, I‘ve helped a little bit. But they were there, I swear!
Like @Davin Studer, I enjoy wood working in my spare time. I make pens and other stuff as gifts for friends and family (and the occasional random stranger via the Reddit Gift Exchange; the yellow fountain pen and the slim pen/pencil set went to anonymous internet users in Ireland.)
But my biggest project is my's 18" 6" long, 22 inches wide and based on an Aleutian Eskimo baidarka design. It's strip molded and finished with fiberglass. I have about 400 hours into it now, I expect it will be finished by the end of summer.
Gosh, can I be your not-so-anonymous-"pen pal"? Did you make the metal on the fountain pens too?
How did you learn to work with wood?
Awesome work @Scott Theus Pens look super cool.
The kayak looks amazing. How much time do you spend on it per day?
@[deleted], I buy the parts for the pens and turn the wood, acrylic, stone, whatever on my lathe then assemble them. I started when I was a kid, probably about 10 or so, helping my dad make stuff.
@[deleted], thanks! I don't get to work on it every day but when I do I can go for hours, depending on what part I'm working on. Putting the strips was the longest; 20 minutes or so to fit two or three strips, then an hour or two for the glue to dry before I put the next ones on. Right now I'm steam bending the rims for the hatches and cockpit, so that adds to the time.
Holy Awesomeness Batman! @Scott Theus those are some impressive pieces. Just lovely.
Impressive! Keep up the good work and please share final result when the kayak will be finally done :)
@Scott Theusyou are a genius!!!! I love the colors, design,...
Love these @Scott Theus! Kayaking is one of my favorite summertime hobbies :D
I used to be a part of the reddit exchanges, but I kept getting paired with people who never sent anything. Eventually I was so bummed out that I stopped participating altogether.
Serious inquiry... Do you have an Etsy or something where I can buy your pens? I'm in love.
@Scott TheusI am with the people looking to buy your pens. I am a Pen lover and yours look unique.
@Heth Siemer and @Fadoua I don't have an Etsy shop...yet. But I will soon :)
I also second on there wanting to be an Etsy shop!
Tagging @Devon Henderson because fountain pens. ✒️
AHHH! When you get your Etsy shop up, I will buy pens for sure. Those are so awesome!
@Scott Theus your pens look really great! You should have a booth at Summit 😄
I sketch, make polymer clay charms, cards and my favorite is photography.
So cool @Alana Fernando! Is that a tiny Baymax I spy??
Yes it is a tiny baymx @Meg Holbrook other two are Elsa from Frozen and Merida from Brave. :-D
OMG, THE CHARMS ARE SO CUTE!!!! If you ever make anything from Harry Potter... lemme buy it off of you XD
:( not yet @Heth Siemer but you gave me an idea for my next charm :D.
And now i am thinking how come I still didn't make one from harry potter.
I'm dead serious. I will legit buy anything and everything Harry Potter from you. Especially Luna or Hermione or Draco.
Or the Elder Wand...
Then Im gonna make Voldemort charm as none of my charm has noses :-D
Awesome thread @Meg Holbrook! I love your holiday mug!
Looks like there's a lot of knitters over here :) I knit almost everyday, from baby shower gifts:
To scarfs/shawls:
And sweaters:
wow @Manon Soubies-Camy you really got the talent. I love the scarf and the sweater
Thanks Alana! I love your polymer clay charms btw, I've never been able to make anything out of polymer clay haha
@Manon Soubies-Camy Wow that scarf if pretty cool. Curved knitting looks difficult. My wife knits so I can appreciate the work that goes into it.
@Manon Soubies-Camy wonderful color choices on those. Love the color in your scarf. Sweaters are something I've never had the patience for, I've started no less than five raglan patterns and just frogged them all later. I prefer small projects like hats and kid clothing.
Are you a member of Ravelry?
@Davin Studer Thanks! I actually use circular needles and it's almost the same as regular knitting needles :)
@Meg Holbrook Thanks! The scarf's yarn has stellina, I think that's why it looks so bright. I'll DM you for Ravelry!
Beautiful colors...
I wish I knew how to knit like that! I can knit a straight scarf... and a hat with those circle loom things.
Thanks @carolyn french and @Heth Siemer! YouTube is a great teacher :)
I tell people that all the creativity in my family bypassed me, and I just got a knack for computers. My little sister, and aunt can both sing, beautifully, my mum is a polymath, picking up all sorts of random things, my uncle was in a folk band but found making the instruments for them more interesting than playing.
In my spare time, I tinker with computers. When I get time, I volunteer as a counsellor (sadly, not enough over the last year, I need to get back into it). And very very occasionally, I paint.
@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- Nice work! Back in the day I loved destroying Gobboz with my Undead army :)
I don't know @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- that looks pretty creative to me. Not only that programming can be a very creative process. Those look pretty cool. Nice paint job.
@Nic Brough -Adaptavist-, those are awesome! Do you play tabletops as well or just enjoy the painting hobby? I heard there is a much larger community of miniature painters in every country besides the US.
My husband is into miniature wargaming (warhammer mostly), and I like to browse the shops when he goes for new models. I picked up one made by reaper miniatures recently and don't think I did too shabby for a first-timer.
I used to, but the gaming groups fragmented as people did things like have children and get married.
Excellent work on that Reaper!
I wish I was good at painting mini's. There are some amazing painters out there and I am always jealous if someone shows up with a painted up set. Great work on the paint jobs!
@Meg Holbrookthank you for this great topic! We got to learn a lot about other champions. It is really interesting. Thank you all for sharing your passion. I am speechless.
@Fadoua, you're too sweet. I appreciate you sharing as well :)
Another wood worker here. My current project is a wood and leather laptop case for my wife. I'm also playing w/ wood and epoxy but I haven't quite hit the right recipe.
That's very cool, @Jack Brickey! What kind of epoxy are you using? I'm using System Three for my kayak, and planning my next challenge: stabilizing wood burls for turning.
For that project I used Epox-it 80. I've had good luck on smaller pours but this one was a bit cloudy. I think I will have to have to move up a few notches on the epoxy quality but don't want to do that until I get my playing out of the way. Too, I really need a vacuum to be successful on these projects.
A vacuum will help quite a bit. It's a different application, but when I was selecting the epoxy for my kayak I found these test results:
If anything, it will be an interesting read for you.
A wooden/leather laptop case is so perfect! How will the leather be incorporated (I see only wood in the picture)? Post pictures when you finish. :)
Hi Carolyn! I plan to have leather handles and a leather strap w/ a snap closure. I may place some leather inside as well. I will post when I complete it. I just need some cycles to get back out in the shop.
@[deleted], finally completed. here are some pics.
Nice work @Jack Brickey! I like the finish with the leather, and the drawer lock joints are nice and tight. I always struggle with my router, I need more practice.
So cooooool! She's gonna love it!
The wood is beautiful! What kind is it? It's certainly a piece you can be proud of- well done, @Jack Brickey.
I'm not brazen enough to share but when I get home from a day of technical writing, I like to kick back, relax and....write for fun. I'm full of variety and surprises, I know. Right now I'm working on a one-act play and a poetry chapbook, but I'm not picky, I like all sorts of writing.
Emily, that's fantastic! I remember writing a lot when I was a broody teenager, and I never really got back into it.
Writing is one of those things that you can do anywhere, and I think that's the coolest thing of all. Do you find yourself daydreaming your stories and then jotting them down in your spare time?
When you're feeling brazen, I'm sure you'd find mad support here :)
Great topic @Meg Holbrook! Built some nice Adirondack furniture for a new sitting area we put in our backyard.
wow....You'll never get me out of the chair, if I come visit ;-)
@LarryBrock! That's fantastic! Sweet Adirondack/loveseat, so cool. I'm impressed.
@LarryBrock, those will go well around the campfire at our Community Commune we are planning! :-)
Yes to Community Commune! Once you're in an Adirondack chair, good luck getting out, although that's never stopped me from sitting in one 😄
In the spirit of Christmas (and the 2018 Advent Calendar!) here's a picture of what I'm giving my co-workers this year. The pen and pencil are made from wenge, which looks really good against chrome. The box is bamboo.
Shhhh...don't tell anyone!
Oh, this is so nice :-) I wish I'd be your co-worker
I was under the impression that being community champions we are co-workers @Thomas Schlegel 😉
Oh, yes, @Fadoua - I forgot - hooray, pens for all of us :-)
@Meg Holbrookthey say: sharing is caring. I say: Sharing is loving 🥰
Thanks, for sharing this keep doing this work.
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