Greetings Everyone!
Sorry this week is coming to everyone a little later than usual.
First I need to give credit to this diabolical question to the wonderful @Community Manager! She asked this to a small group of Community leaders and all of us just about cried thinking about having to give up our wonderful mobile apps.
So, the question is, "You can only use three (3) app on your mobile device for the rest of your life. What apps do you choose? and why?"
I'm going to give a different answer than I did originally, as I've had time to properly think about it.
#1 - Google Chrome: Yes this one is cheating, but I don't care that's all the more reason to choose it. I know I can access a number of things that there are native mobile apps for. But personally, the number of times I need to look something up because I recognize someone in the movie I'm watching but I don't know why, is the #1 most important use case for me having a mobile device ;)
#2 - Gmail (any email client): I have an android device so really any mail client because I need access to my email and Gmail is the best for my device setup.
#3 - Slack: The easiest way for my friends to get a hold of me is on slack and therefore this fits the #3 spot.
Alright everyone, now that I have traumatized you with this tough decision, what would you say are your most important apps.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks for sharing @Sven Cipido! I haven't used Waze personally, and yes I think the purpose of this exercise was to display just how important mobile apps have become in navigating our lives!
Ok, Basically it was pretty difficult, but here I'm listing the apps according to my daily usage nowadays.
So I decided what it can be!! 😎
#1. Microsoft Edge/Google Chrome: Learning never ends. The more you search, the more you learn! 😋
#2. Slack: Collaboration!!!! It's good to use it because it makes conversation, formal/informal very easy and with some good security without enabling private/incognito mode. 😁
#3. Trello: Time/Scheduling/Reminder/Checklist and many more. It offers the best tools/services for my daily work! 🤩
Yeah, I originally had Trello in my list as well, but I forgot how much I use Chrome for random things ;)
That would be a nightmare as I have quite many apps on my device, despite trying to select carefully.
#1 Chrome: this was kind of easy - as a browser is nowadays considered "your window to the world". I'd trade Chrome in for another browser as I am not very tied to it but there are not so many good alternatives.
#1 WhatsApp: for WhatsApp basically the same applies as for Chrome - in case there comes somthing better along I am not hesitant to switch. So more generally speaking 'a messenger' should be within the three apps I will be allowed to use for the rest of my life.
#3 Flora Incognita: yes, this is where the fun comes it. The idea is simple: take a picture of a plant, tree or bush a with some probability you are presented with information what the green stuff you are seeing is correctly named - awesome.
Using this app I found out somebody planted sage (plenty of!) next to our bus station (you won't believe what a nice smell it has).
I wish you all a great Sunday.
If you're looking for a new browser, might I suggest Vivaldi? It's built on Chromium, so it can use all of the extensions in the Chrome Webstore, but is super-customizable. I've been using it for about a year because it allows you to stack tabs. I don't use 10% of the features it has, but I love it.
This choice is a tough one, but looking at my current mobile usage statistics (screen time):
oooff ! Tough one
I get personally attached to apps like many things i own and it gets hard for me to get rid of them.
1 - Whatsapp (Or any one form of text message)
2 - Google chrome - I use everyday all the time, also this is a hack to access any app without actually downloading the app. HA!
3 - Instagram - I like the thrill of it.
This is very difficult!
1. WhatsApp - its the best way of getting hold of me!
2. Samsung Internet Browser - it isn't fancy, but it does the job
3. Amazon Music - nothing else needs to be said
I come to this question through a practical approach, knowing if all only had 3 apps to use the online community would be quite different.
Who here remembers life in the early 90s?👍
I think we could give up email, with chat options I could see where it is basically obsolete.
Our family, especially those who never made the leap to SM, use :WhatsApp:... So that would need to be my first pick.
Next I would say Medium, if I couldn't easily get thoughts out of my head I would go crazy, and we don't want that!
Lastly, I lean towards Chrome, because it comes with maps... We travel a lot and I rely on maps side search to help learn about the unspoken places the brochures miss!
Ooh, you're evil, @Jimmy Seddon and @Erica Moss!
I like having native apps for things like gmail and my calendar, but honestly as long as I have a mobile browser, I can still access those that way. So what are the three apps I have that provide me something I can only get in the app?
Honorable mention is the native camera app on my phone.
Still a hard decision, like in the mentioned coffee chat... 🙈😊
#1 Instagram - for sharing pics and getting inspiration
#2 iMessage - obvious
#3 Music - I could never imagine a life without music
Excluding The Big 3 (defaults) like mail, calendar, browser:
TeuxDeux, WhatsApp, LastPass
Chrome, camera, and some unified message app
1) A browser (Google Chrome)
2) A navigation application (Google Maps)
3) Youtube (There are so many videos on everything from which I can learn a lot)
1) The dialer ... I guess nobody else in this thread will actually be making calls with their phone. : )
2) Calculator
3) Camera
My list is
1. Whatsapp - for messaging
2. Chrome - for browsing, access emails etc
3. Google pay - for the financial transactions
You can only use three (3) app on your mobile device for the rest of your life...
I could imagine a situation where I have to use my laptop to check email or use a web browser, and maybe that would be a good thing? Three apps I couldn't do without on my mobile device are...
1 whatsapp
2 t.b.d
3 a browser to open the other stuff i need (hope an app in an app counts...)
I hope to stop using apps at some point and disconnect. But if there are ones I would use they would be related to keeping in touch with family. These seem to change with each generation.
instagram, mail app and telegram
It's pretty hard to decide but here are the top 3 apps I can use for the rest of my life:
1. Brave: For browsing the internet😋
2. Slack: To collaborate with everyone 😁
3. Trello: To track & schedule my daily work! 🤩
Is there a way to do the precise equal element however with Whatsapp in preference to MS Teams?
I mean sending notifications to a whatsapp institution, every time a Jira provider-desk price tag of precedence X is created through purchaser Y ?
most of the apps discussed here are new to me and really effective. since have launched the new startup business on instagram i was looking for some sort ways to reach out to the hefty audience. the app that best worked for me is the Instaup, an instagram followers app that gave me a basic stand point with organic followers around the world.