Friday Fun - What's your social personality?

Max Foerster - K15t
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November 26, 2020


Hello, hello my fellow Atlassian Community friends! 

It's so crazy that it's already the end of November. I just realized it when a little popup was making me aware that my Friday Fun thread is due soon...

So, a wonderful Friday to you!

Just a short introduction to today's topic: And at some point this year, a friend working in the same co-working space and I started browsing through tabloid magazines when I got back to the office (for a short while only, unfortunately). It was a nice little coffee break to socialize (after months at home)

Where did we get the magazines? And why?

Good questions! We had them at hand. Another friend is working in PR and checking them for the ads of their customers. So there's fresh supply every week... Tons of it! Unbelievable. 😁

Personally, I don't really care about these magazines or the latest gossip about celebrities. But making fun of it in a group is definitely entertaining. 

And do you know what is always a part of these magazines as well? - Recipes! True, but not what I was getting at.

- Horoscopes!

So what happened? We started reading out each other's horoscopes and we're even comparing the differences between the magazines. It is very entertaining how different the stars are interpreted in different magazines. 😜 

A little disclaimer: I don't want to offend anyone with this thread. It does not matter whether you believe in horoscopes and astrology or not. I don't want to start a discussion about that either. But let it sink in for a moment and you will maybe have some fun or learn something. 😉

Since it is my birthday next week, the question arose what my ascendant is. And I had no idea! If you are not interested in astrology, this is certainly understandable.

So I started to investigate. Wikipedia defines ascendant as follows:

The ascendant ( , Asc or As) is the astrological sign (and degree of that sign) that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of an event. According to certain astrological theories, celestial phenomena reflect or determine human activity on the principle of 'as above, so below'.

So it seems that our ascendant is very, very important when it comes to certain character traits. So let's start the fun and find out our ascendant/social personality!

Visit a website like and fill out the necessary data:

  • Birthday
  • Time of birth
  • Place of birth

What I would ask you to do is to share with all of us one thing that you can really relate to from the description and one thing that you think is just not true.

And of course, I am starting it!



My personal result is Leo ascendant! The short description says "Enthusiastic and honest". Okay, I already like that because it's true. I will not post more than what I have been talking about so that I do not spoil anything for you.

Definitely true about myself:

  • With this positive attitude to life, enthusiasm, and warmth, Leo ascendants can excite and win over their fellow human beings [...]

YES. Positivity. 😁 🎉 

What? You must be wrong:

  • Recognition is their motivation.

Oh wow, that is pretty much far away from the truth. On the contrary, I would describe myself rather as being selfless about many things. 😄 There are even more things that I can't fully relate to but try it yourself and let us know what you think about your personal ascendant! :) Do you in general believe in astrology? Are you just a bit curious like me? 

@Andy - PTC Redundant , are you a Leo as well? Just thinking because of your positive energy and enthusiasm! 😁

Best, Max



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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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November 26, 2020

Well, I've lived in three countries for fair amount of time so this rings true:

Distant countries, distant cultures, and new experiences: The big full world fascinates the optimistic and active people with Sagittarius ascendant.

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Max Foerster - K15t
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November 26, 2020

Nice @Kristján Geir Mathiesen! What countries have you been living in?

Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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November 26, 2020

Iceland, Great Britain (England and Wales), and the States.

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Max Foerster - K15t
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November 26, 2020

That sounds like a trip. Do you think you will head home to Iceland at some point?

Kat Warner
Atlassian Partner
November 26, 2020

It started okay

The idealistic persons with Aquarius ascendant draw attention to their fellow human beings through their creative and intelligent spirit.

The next bit was on track

They develop many ideas to help shape their environment actively. They want to make changes; nothing is worse than stagnation. 

But clicking through to the next sentence was not so nice

But they don't always implement their ideas. Because they don't like to take responsibility.


Thanks for the Friday fun @Kristján Geir Mathiesen.

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Max Foerster - K15t
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November 26, 2020

@Kat Warner the last sentence definitely is a little slap to the face 😁 But is it true? I also had a moment like this with "They would rather not hear criticism or advice, and indeed they cannot accept it." ...


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Stuart Capel - London
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November 27, 2020

True: They want to make changes; nothing is worse than stagnation.

Not so true: They tend towards being unsteady, extravagant, vicious

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Max Foerster - K15t
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November 27, 2020

@Stuart Capel - London , well, thank god this is not carved in stone! 😁

Stuart Capel - London
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November 27, 2020

Exactly, I think I'll leave that off my CV personal profile!

carolyn french
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November 30, 2020

Wow, that one is a tough pill to swallow! vicious?

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Matt Doar
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November 30, 2020

I have a tendency to not fit myself into boxes defined by other people. I like to define my own boxes to check. I guess that makes my ascendant "Awkward". You should hear the intake interviews in hospital :)

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Dave Liao
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November 30, 2020

Things get even more confusing when you compare Western astrological signs with Chinese astrological signs.

I just know that I'm an ENTP (Myers-Briggs) or an ENTJ, depending on when I take it. Clear cut, right? 😏

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carolyn french
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November 30, 2020

I also find horoscopes wildly entertaining, and your story complete with emoticons every paragraph means I must respond with mine - thanks for the invite 😁 @Max Foerster - K15t 

People with Virgo ascendant have outstanding powers of observation....why, thank you, kind horoscope- spoiler alert, I observed your rudeness vis a vis Weaknesses very keenly

They encounter all problems with great flexibility and a clear sense of the practical. They quickly adjust to new situations and challenges and know how to deal with them.... don't mind if I do (mostly, I hope)

There are fewer useless actions with them.... not really the case if you count binge watching tv shows

Weaknesses? this horoscope is a massive online bully and must be obliterated!!

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Kat Warner
Atlassian Partner
November 30, 2020


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Brant Schroeder
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December 2, 2020

I was disappointed to not see mountain hermit on the list.  


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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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January 2, 2021

Just curious how the horoscope information was generated? 

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