For this week's Friday Fun I thought it might be nice to take a quick quiz to discover our Reading Personality!
Click HERE to take the quiz!
I'm a book lover and an ISTJ (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), so I wasn't surprise to find out that my Reading Personality is the Escapist!
If you're an Escapist, you believe that above all, reading is supposed to be FUN. You read because you enjoy it, but also because it helps you relax, especially when your real life feels crazy. You especially appreciate a book that feels impossible to put down.
Have fun! :)
Oh I love the Explorer profile! :)
I am "The Explorer" too. :D
Fitting, since I like explore many different type of books. Be it fiction or nonfiction.
At the moment I am reading Predator's Gold by Philip Reeve. I am a sucker for Sci-Fi novels. :P
@Sloan N_ B_ also a Sci-Fi fan! What are some of your faves?
I got Escapist
"If you're an Escapist, you believe that above all, reading is supposed to be FUN. You read because you enjoy it, but also because it helps you relax, especially when your real life feels crazy. You especially appreciate a book that feels impossible to put down."
This week, I'm between books, having just finished a Cthulhu anthology and a book on the mathematics of gambling, and then going on holiday. Next on the pile is the last pTerry Pratchett, as I've been putting it off as I know there's no more coming.
Yay! Another fellow escapist! :)
This was an amusing Friday Fun activity! I got Escapist too, although I was torn between some of the answers. Reading the description of the Explorer, I think those are the answers that also resonated with me.
I recently picked up Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, but before that sci-fi. It's good to have a healthy mix of genres, but I do love the feeling of zooming through a great read.
Agree, I am definitely an Explorer as well as the one I actually got. :)
I love the zooming feeling and genre mixing also! This year I've been reading a lot of Tournament of Books litfic, but I like to bounce among litfic, young adult, classics, women's contemporary, nonfiction, and sci-fi.
So glad you enjoyed it @[deleted]! I usually like to read one book at a time, but if I happen to read two, they usually are one fiction one and the other non-fiction. My favourite genre, however, is mystery :)
Appropriately for a former English professor, I got The English Major.
"Maybe you're a bona fide English major; maybe you're one at heart. Either way, you believe in books that have stood the test of time. You love to see what's on current school reading lists. You enjoy old classics and modern classics, as well as books about the reading life."
I love all books! The Tournament of Books just kicked off yesterday, and I look forward to it every year (and fill out brackets with some friends). Over the weekend on vacation I read I'll Be Gone in the Dark (a true crime book that gave me insomnia) and Catch Me If You Can (a fun airplane read). I'm also reading Sing, Unburied, Sing, which is my pick to win the Tournament of Books and which just became available via my library app!
Great topic, @Alice!
@Monique vdB, I love that this is even a category. As another English major, I admit I'm kind of jealous I didn't end up there too!
I got the Student:
"The Student loves to learn, and loves to learn new things, just for the fun of it. You might read deeply on one subject you're passionate about; you may enjoy reading widely on a huge variety of interesting topics. Either way, new ideas make you feel energized. You're likely to get your book recommendations from colleagues, experts in various fields, and your own targeted research."
On my nightstand right now is Information Architecture from O'Reilly. So... I guess I can see how that might be outside the English major mold.
That's also me. I had multiple answers for every question since my reading habits and tastes are a bit all over the map!
I guess the quiz is very accurate then :D
@Alice, nice choice this week thanks for helping me step away from work for a few minutes. :-)
I'm an explorer. I will admit that I read more fiction than non. I attribute this to the fact I live in a tech world and read to much reality-based things much of my life, be it tech journals, emails, etc. as it is. I do enjoy a good 'how to be successful at...' book now and again but they often loose me.
A couple of favorites that come to mind.
Agent Pendergast series - Lincoln Child & Douglas Preston (Cabinet of Curiosity being my favorite I think). I enjoy most books by both of these authors.
and of course pretty much all of Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, Prey, Sphere, Timeline, Eaters of the Dead, etc)
Into Thin Air - Jon Krakauer
I mostly enjoy thrillers that incorporate history and a bit of sci-fi too.
@Jack Brickey Into Thin Air is a book that I've re-read a zillion times, so well done.
I hope on your Crichton list you have The Andromeda Strain, one of my faves.
oh but of course...that is where my Crichton epic all started.
My other faves are Rising Sun, Disclosure, Jurassic Park. Used to re-read them all the time.
I got Explorer as well.
@Jack BrickeySo glad you enjoyed it! I know what you mean, after reading stuff for university all day long, I just want to sit down with some fiction at the end of the day.
Jurassic Park is on my To Be Read list, I hope to be able to read it soon!
Social. Because like my mother, I lie on most questionnaires. We just do.
You are so funny @Matt Doar!
Escapist - If you're an Escapist, you believe that above all, reading is supposed to be FUN. You read because you enjoy it, but also because it helps you relax, especially when your real life feels crazy. You especially appreciate a book that feels impossible to put down.
Yes you can see me everywhere in my place holding that book until I am done with it.
I've missed my train stop on multiple occasions because I'm so engrossed with a story!
Haha I totally get what you mean!
I got The Student
"The Student loves to learn, and loves to learn new things, just for the fun of it. You might read deeply on one subject you're passionate about; you may enjoy reading widely on a huge variety of interesting topics. Either way, new ideas make you feel energized. You're likely to get your book recommendations from colleagues, experts in various fields, and your own targeted research."
Yeeah @zackseibert.. I am the Student too.. so far we are the only one here ;)
Maybe it is true. I like reading that teaches something, not read just to be happy of the fact that i am reading. And definitely there is nothing worse in reading a book that was already a part of a movie.. You do not use your imagination, just see all of those famous actors and actress in front of your eyes. They are even on a book cover! .. Book first, then movie. That is why I will never read many titles already released because I also like movies.. and when you start watching a new one the very first subtitle is mostly - "Based on a .. " and here goes title of the book :) .. so going back to it later will give me completely different picture than my imagination without the movie (and I will know how it will end, so .. no fun :))
I am an INFJ
I got this and as a book blogger and pretty voracious at reading this really summed me up.
The Explorer knows that a reader lives a thousand lives. This type enjoys experiencing a world of possibilities and firmly agrees that reading builds empathy. Explorers are thoughtful about what they read next. They are likely to get their book recommendations from their fellow readers and sometimes fellow travelers, the issues of the day, and their own research.
Oh nice!! I'm not a book blogger but I like to geek out about books as well, I think Explorer it's a nice one :)
@Paula Phillips I am also a book blogger! 😃
So I got Escapist and would have to totally agree with that. What a great quiz!
If you're an Escapist, you believe that above all, reading is supposed to be FUN. You read because you enjoy it, but also because it helps you relax, especially when your real life feels crazy. You especially appreciate a book that feels impossible to put down.
I got Escapist too and would have to totally agree with that too. For me, I just wish I didn't have to work so much. It just take too much of my time. :)
It's totally the same for me :)
Another student here :-). If I see what I am currently reading right now, that must be quite true. Had it been holiday season, quite sure I'd rather be an escapist. Cool Friday fun topic, even on a Sunday and a couple of weeks late!
So glad you enjoyed it! It's always nice to geek out about books :)