Hello everybody! Happy Friday!
Something quick and easy and I really hope you will enjoy it...
What is your favorite animated GIF? On which occasions do you use it? Is there a story connected with this GIF?
Mine is definitely this one.
We started to use it with my coworkers, when we are super productive and finishing a lot of tasks...
Fun fact: Did you know there has been a flame war about pronunciation of "GIF" and there are many web pages dedicated to this topic?
I'm looking forward to your posts. Thank you.
I don't have a favourite animated gif but I would like to share this one! 😋
Ultra Instinct 😍
I don't think I have a favourite gif but I am a big fan of any kind of silly ones.
Actually, my brother occasionally makes me a gif of my nephew, and those ones are easily the best ones ever, as we live in different countries and especially with Covid, I have not been able to travel to see them for over a year now.
@Valerie Christine Knapp Your brother creates gif of your nephew? That's great! I need to try it too.
This one defines me very accurately :
I like this one https://twitter.com/i/status/937105553968566272 Can you hear it?
Here is the article related to it. https://metro.co.uk/2019/03/28/can-hear-gifs-scientists-reveal-silent-images-appear-make-sounds-9041158/#:~:text=Scientists%20have%20discovered%20why%20a,for%20processing%20sight%20and%20sound.
@Veronique DUFOUR Interesting, I didn't know about these, definitely worth of reading.
P. S. I can hear them all :-).
I love this @Hana Kučerová! As someone who regularly expresses himself in giphy format. I don't have a single favorite, but here is a top 3 I like using when the situation calls for it.
I really like the last one :)
@Jimmy Seddon I love you love it :-).
@Veronique DUFOUR Yes, the last one, I can imagine many occasions I will use it :-).
The second one reminds me of also my favorite:
I don't have a favourite one either, but first coffee...
@Ivan Lima Definitely, the first thing in the morning...
Mine it's not animated but it's still purrrrfect! 😂
I usually use it when reviewing work or testing as a sign of approval.
@Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ This is really... purrrrfect :-D... I'll send it to our QA, they need to find new ways, how to approve issues...
I like this one :D
@Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ :-) :-) :-)
I like that one :)
Thank you for sharing all these great gifs...
@Hana Kučerová : what a FANTASTIC Friday Fun!! Legend 🌟👏
My favourite GIFs are always the ones I creat myself... in particular THIS ONE... it just screams AMAZABALLZ(I mean, like... literally!!!)
I use it atleast once a week when something amazaballz happens... like this FRIDAY FUN. It is literally:
It is not ANIMATED though.... so I would have to go with the SLACK PARROTS. They are just the BEST! Takes 'expressive emoji GIFs' to the next level!!
I love party parrots. My former coworker even gave me a t-shirt with party parrots all over.
"Animated" - this is probably just my bad English, I meant - "not static picture, but something it is moving :-)))"
@Hana Kučerová : that is so damn cool! What an epic T-Shit 👚 🌟 👏
haha. I get ya! No worries. It means I got to post TWO gifs on a Friday Fun topic and that made me happy. 😊 ♥️
Disappointed I missed this. Mine is an oldie, but a goodie, and pretty tasteless too @Tom Kakanowski
This is my favourite one :)
Great speed :)
This is great, I love it :-)
I love this dog.....
@Marjorie I would like to be able to touch this one :)
@Veronique DUFOUR like a Koosh ball.
@Marjorie yes like a Koosh ball but it looks a lot silkier :)
makes me laugh every time i see it hahahaha