Hey Community!
Yesterday my friend introduced me to the classic asdf movies series and I got so hooked!
For those of you who are also not part of the 59 million views - this golden scene is from the second video
(Actually this is how I imagine driving is like)
It's 12:19am in Holland, time for bed. But looking forward to checking out some amazing youtube videos throughout the day.
Happy Friday~ :-D
OMG! I am crying...
This is something I could watch over and over again. A woman trying to write an email:
I hope, you non-german-speaking people will also have fun with it!
Happy Friday everybody!
I went down an SNL rabbit hole yesterday, so the most recent funny video I watched was this Melissa McCarthy / Bill Hader sketch.
My sister also got my parents an Amazon Echo for Christmas so we've been saying "Odessa!" a lot. Add a Dutch accent and you would have my dad.
two weeks late but loll SNL FTW!
Though Amazon Echo "uh huh" feature- i could totally use that some.. you know... as a rambler... :P
I luuuuuuurv Melissa McCarthy. She is AWESOME!!!
Awww poor kayak hahahahahaa! Damn that agony... i should not laugh...should not laugh...
I know... I kind of felt bad after posting it because it's not SUPPOSED to be funny, but some of her lines... IT'S SEPTEMBER!
OMG. Should not laugh but......It's September!! is a classic.
Husband and Wife Texting. This is priceless! :D
Friends don't let friends kayak:
I laughed so much then realised - oh darn.. if i was the dude... I might've been the same, ooooops!
OMG I was laughing so hard (at work!). At least I could say I was exploring Atlassian pages.
@Alexis_Pruitt Definitely work-related. Totally.
This has always been my favorite video to watch on youtube but I found a legit link!:
lol... I have all the Deep Thoughts books. I love them. "As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seems that way."
Darn I am afraid on this continent we can't view the video!
Is it same one as this one?
This killed me. Too shy to use on actual kid but would love to pull this one off one day :P
Last Atlassian Bamboo promo video (kidding :oP)
This video about horse dressage is my fav. I love the way the horse simply dances! The rider never shows how he is motivating the horse (which is the idea). Absolutely amazing performance. ANDREAS HELGSTRAND - WEG2006 Freestyle Dressage Final.
@Alexis_Pruitt I am laughing out loud — I had no idea this was even a thing. Incredible.
@Community ManagerDressage is quite a sport. The rider essentially communicates thru shifting their weight, knee pressure etc. BUT.... This took it to an entirely new level of performance. Fabulous to watch!
@Alexis_Pruitt I love the background music, how excited the announcers are -- I want to watch some bad dressage so I fully understand how good this is!
Wow, this is an old post... but a good one! Nice hob @Jisu Oh !
I reckon that the YouTube video I have both watched and laughed at the most, would be Key and Peele: Substitute Teacher!
And I watch and laugh at Key and Peele: Substitute Teacher II just as much!
I tend to watch both of them back2back as "one" video. They are HILARIOUS. I am still waiting on the third instalment to complete the trilogy 😅😁😂😆🤣🌟👏