It’s Friday, and you know what that means — it’s time for some fun. 🎉
Some of our internal team members here at Atlassian recently had a conversation about the joys of starting your first real adult job, specifically, the things you start buying more of or investing more in once you have the means to do so.
The responses ran the gamut from “no more cheap shoes!” and higher quality makeup and mattresses, to opting for trains over buses while traveling, and buying more local and organic food items.
I hadn’t really landed on anything specific, and then, serendipitously, an email appeared in my inbox that said, “You’re in the top 10% of all Lyft riders.” Lyft is an on-demand transportation app that I use often (clearly) to help me get from point A to point B in a car, especially when the Subway trains here in New York decide to spontaneously take a mini vacation. I’m fortunate to even have this option, especially late at night or when the weather is less than stellar.
So now I ask you: What luxury items are on your list? Share in the comments below. 😎
@timmy Whoa! That's a good one.
Being an enthusiastic Aldi shopper, I sometimes splurge for the novelty-flavored items they have on seasonal rotation. Because Aldi only stocks one or two varieties of any given item, this helps you avoid overchoice or as I like to say, "option fatigue". And since they don't have a billion different varieties of lemon juice in stock, they also cut prices way down!
So I feel pretty ok about buying ice cream most of the time I'm there. And when I'm really feeling like Treat Yo' Self, I get the really nice vanilla ice cream that sells for double the price of the "normal" vanilla.
Mmm, tastes just like the stuff I made by hand when there's time. The consistency is so different than the normal/value ice cream, it's like you're royalty on vacation.
Excuse me while I make a trip to Aldi...
@Daniel Eads This is such a Daniel Eads answer. I love it.
I'm so bougie I hardly know where to begin. But I'm going to say picking up the check for other people. Once upon a time I was a broke adjunct professor and a broke grad student and a broke teaching fellow, and I have always had generous friends. In recent years I've been able to treat them back and pay it forward. Last weekend I treated one friend to fancy brunch and last month I took another friend on a vacation!
I also get my clothes from Stitchfix. 👍🏼
I have enjoyed paying the bill for the table under the guise of a trip to the toilet many times.
My favourite time was when a relative made a big deal of collecting her gold credit card from behind the bar. They told her the price of her last wine. "Oh, I'm paying for everyone's lunch too" she said louder than necessary.
The bar staff pointed at me and said "She already paid, " then charged her for the glass of wine.
That is a very sweet answer and so in line with your character :)
Arturo Fuente Opus X, after successful Jira upgrades.
I head out to pick up some interesting wood for a new project. I’m overdue for starting my next project too. 😦 I need some me time.
@Jack Brickey I love finding new wood for projects! I have to finish some projects first, though.
Once of my dad's friends saved some branches and logs from a hemlock tree that fell on his property, I made him this as a "thank you."
(Hint...the best way to get a handmade pen is to send me a block of wood 2" by 2" by 5" should do nicely for a pen/pencil set :P )
got it. I have a bunch of very old wormy-chestnut. I'm going to bring you some to Summit. :-)
Copy that @Jack Brickeyand @Scott Theus on finding nice wood for projects. My wife laughs at me any time we go near a lumber pile and I breath in the aroma of the wood but that's like therapy for my soul!
I like to treat myself with a dinner I normally wouldn't spend the money on: 18oz Delmonico steak (medium rare,) fries, sauted broccoli rabe, and a bottle of zinfandel or syrah.
That sounds delicious!
First of all, you have used one of my all-time favorite gifs @Community Manager, and that makes me so inexplicably happy. Since I'm not a huge shopper, I love to go for a "treat yo self" afternoon of either yoga or back massage or swimming at the pool (or all 3). In the past, that would have seemed like overkill, but now I'm like YAS.
Also, if the pollution is high, I do a "treat yo self" Grab (like Uber or Lyft, but in SE Asia) car ride instead of motorbike. Basically less exposure to the air pollution that wreaks havoc on me.
Oh @carolyn french my "treat yo self" day would be morning coffee and a good book or crossword, then a birdwatching hike by the water, then a movie by myself with a tub of buttered popcorn, followed by a meal at In n' Out or my favorite local sushi spot, followed by a game night with wine and friends.
@carolyn french Yes to all three! 😎
Eekkk. Eating out and Target runs. I try to stay away from Target because I go in for one thing and come out with unnecessary purchases I somehow justified at the cash register. It's mostly stationary. I love planners, papers and pens. I can't stop myself.
@Mary Ramirez I love stationery, too! I have to stay away from the agenda/planners section, though, because I often buy them, use them for a month or two, and then give them up in favor of digital versions.
Just having moved to Saint Augustine this year. I treat myself by going down to St. George Street and eating at one of the several local restaurants there and then stopping at Whetstone Chocolate. Their Frozen Hot Chocolate is literally the best thing I have had in my life! Also, board games I try to treat myself with those, but given the price of the board games I like I can't treat my self that much with those.
I treat myself to an afternoon of mountain biking followed by a few excellent beers and a nice steak dinner. Always better if shared with a friend or two, especially so we can take a little more risk since there's someone to go for help should anything happen. :-P
@LarryBrock for a second there I was very interested in trying out one of your high-risk steak dinners.
@Monique vdB I thought the same, then decided that I probably wouldn't be the one "going for help" and thus would be in no shape for a steak dinner afterwards.
@Scott Theus and @LarryBrock let's try this at Summit. "I'm going to order this steak..... RARE."
I'm in @Monique vdB - let's do it!!! :-D
@LarryBrock okay I'm thinking Craftsteak based on an amazing meal a few years ago, but I haven't done research on the current best steak in Vegas.
Also I like my steak medium so I will have to find other ways to make it high risk. Maybe a flambe dessert?
I'm like you @Monique vdB- I prefer my steak not to "moo" at me either. A flambe dessert sounds like just the ticket. Now for me to earn myself a trip there.... :-D
I treat myself to a good old fashioned cup of english breakfast tea and scones :)
@Alina Din Sounds divine. 😄
I would Snuggle up in a blanket , listen endlessly to music and feel like less of a poor unfortunate soul.