Happy Friday everyone. No matter where we are from or currently live, we have all gone through that phase when we were young(er) that we prefer to forget. Thankfully, someone usually captured that time with a picture for us to always remember. Well now it's time to share those pictures with the community. Post your Embarrassing (or funny) childhood pictures here!
Bonus for you, @Community Managerhere I am "modeling."
I love the look back!
@Monique vdB 10s, 10s, 10s across the board!
Still got your dimple! :-)
The collar...
To show how old I am, here is a picture of me with a record player.
Here's my 8th grade class picture.
Ah the days of hair....
@Danny Zuccaro that outfit!!
Wish I still had it to wear to Summit 😂
The hair or the outfit? :-P
I’m not embarrassed. Not even a little bit.
Y'all have embarassing photos... I have an embarassing BLOG.
Yeah, my mom blogs. Has been "blogging" since she hand wrote "Stupid things that my kids do" and snail-mailed them out to her family before the blogs existed lol...
In 1997, she started a legit blog... so my ENTIRE life is online. Here's a good example post:
I've accepted that my mother refuses to help anyone unless she has photo proof of their struggles first.
This is hilarious, especially the comment about your Mom wanting proof of struggles first lol
Ok who else has pictures to share? These are great!
Had fun looking through my baby album to find an embarrassing photo. I was tall for my age so believe it or not I was about 2 years d in this photo. I remember my Mom took this photo of me on my potty chair and I was not impressed - the face says it all! 😂 I just sent this to my Mom and she laughed, she said I was telling her to get her camera out of here 📷 😝