I am binge watching the third season of Making It, would love to hear what kinds of things y'all make!
I've mentioned before that I do watercolor; I picked up the hobby during quarantine and have especially been enjoying portraiture. Here's my before and after of John Ritter from a few months ago; I may take another stab at it this weekend.
So, do you build furniture? Make jewelry? Bedazzle motorcycles? show me what you make!
@Alice M omg it's gorgeous! I LOVE the colors and that unusual pattern of the lines.
Thanks, @mo ! There are 7 colors in the blanket. I am repeating them in a random order to add visual interest. The chevrons look super complicated, but it's actually a very easy crochet pattern. Fun and fast and colorful. Exactly my kind of project!
I love this topic! I'm a knitter, and let me tell you - I've finished more projects during this pandemic than I did in the 5 years prior put together 😁
Here are a few of my recent favorites:
This one is a 7-foot-long scarf.
This one is freakin' huge - that's a queen-size bed sheet it's laying on.
And of course, the common theme: they're all purple-based; it IS mah signature color!
I have more unfinished projects and piles of wool and fabric, than I have finished stuff. I need a hard deadline to get motivated.
Oh, there's still plenty of unfinished stuff and a lot of unused yarn! Just like my Netflix queue, I'd have to live to 400 to get through it all, and I keep adding to it 😅
I enjoy working on old mechanical things like small engines. I spend a lot of time purchasing old motorcycles and scooters then fixing them up so they run again and are usable. In the last year, I completed 2 bikes and a scooter. Trying to find my next project now and am thinking about doing an old car.
@Brant Schroeder I knew someone around here probably bedazzled motorcycles! I assume bedazzling is part of your process.
Bedazzled would be sweet, I bet it would do wonders for resale value.
🤣 my Dad rides motorbikes and he'd be horrified if someone wanted to bedazzle his much loved bike
Building a beehive! Yeah, OK I'm cheating and just assembling and painting a kit, but still. Ill post a photo when I'm finished!
Oh, how cool! Is it just decorative, or will you actually be keeping bees?
Yep, going to keep bees. Want them to pollinate my orchard and get honey. This is my first go at it and got a flowhive - a beehive for dummies! Not sure how long it will be before I get honey. Looking forward to getting it set up and some bees in!
NOTE: for some reason Im logged in as husband, but it is actually Linda here!
@Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ omg this is so cool and definitely not cheating! Please post progress pictures and bee reports.
Well, I used to compose music for films, video games, as well as for my own fun. So here are a couple of link for you to listen to:
@Alex Koxaras _Relational_ wow!!!!! I'm floored, your work is incredible.
Oohh stop it! You'll make me blush! :)
I love the Arctic Monkeys, especially your covers!! SO cool thanks for sharing
I love cooking and I lived trying recipes, changing them in my own way and experimenting with flavors, textures and writing my own recipes.
For example, here you have the photo of some spaghetti carbonara, with a small change, I have added garlic and the spaghetti are spicy, there was nothing left ...
My guests enjoyed them
I am the opposite of this, I can only cook with very specific directions, which is probably why I am more successful at baking! This looks delicious and sounds quite creative! How cool!
I've always been fairly crafty, and end up spending more on the supplies than if I bought it outright - but where's the fun in that?
Recently I started a veggie garden and quickly ran out of room for the herbs, so turned an Ikea clothing rack into a space for hanging pots - so obviously had to take up macrame...
Yesterday while wandering through Spotlight I decided to have a go making some earrings. I've now got eight new pairs!
I love the plant rack! Summer is pretty much over here, and I unfortunately can't grow anything indoors due to lack of light, but I'm keeping this in mind for next year.
I just remembered that I used to do macrame like that when I was in Girl Scouts in the early 80's. I think our rope was thicker, but I seem to recall making plant hangers. Maybe I'll do some of that over the winter if I need a knitting break.
Also: welcome to the Community!
@Jo Trudgen wow! I have a succulent garden which is the most I can handle without having all my plants die. Have periodically tried herbs but they all also died. Eventually I gave up and now we have a gardener.
I love the earrings! Especially the giant colorful disks right in the middle. So fun!
@Monique vdB they're mine too!
I am a DIYer. I am a woodworker but also like to build crafts at times. Here is a lamp I created a while back that has lightbulb climbers. The climbers are taking the last bit of material up to complete the lamp shade. You can see a bit of my dog house camper I made as well. 🙃
Those are super cute. Very creative of you.
@Jack Brickey really cool! You might enjoy Making It too. Hosted by woodworker Nick Offerman :)
I do a lot of different kinds of needlework, cross-stitch, knitting, swedish weave, card weaving, amigurumi. Here are some kitty couches I crocheted. My cat on one for scale. I had a lot of fun with those. The third picture also shows a blanket I made.
I have also started braid jesses for Falconry for a friend of mine. Still working on perfecting the craft. I don't seem to have a picture handy. I'll post one later if I find a pic.
Found a picture of some Jesses. This is not a matched pair. I was testing color patterns.
As I said earlier, still perfecting this process.
Are those braids done in kumihimo? After growing up making friendship bracelets in the 80's, I decided to try kumihimo, but couldn't manage it. (Yours are very cool!)
@Kathy Hart okay "kitty couches" are the cutest things I've seen today. @Bridget Sauer you need one (two?) of these for your cats!
Okay I need to know where to find these couches!!
@Esther Strom The jesses are an 8 strand square braid with a split to two 4-strand braid then rejoined to make the keyhole effect. That is needed for Falconry jesses. (I'm not sure what the hole is for, actually)
@Monique vdB Yes, I have three cats, but a couple of those couches were made for friends cats and dogs. LOL
@Bridget The pattern is here: Annie's Catalog Note, I am not Annie and do not benefit from the sale of this pattern. But if you want me to make you one, that can be arranged. LOL
Sometimes I try to adopt a new hobby or craft, but I'm inevitably returning to cooking. Making food is my greatest joy and the most successful therapy for grumpiness (which I have like... a lot).
I can give an example with my Tiramisu Eclairs. I spent almost the entire day preparing the flavors, but in the end, it was worth each minute!
(not a coincidence my other hobby is crossfit 😬)
WOW! I can visually taste the goodness.
I am painting again. And, I crocheted an olive hat (green with red on top for pimento) for my new grandbaby Olive.
Seriously cool. I knitted a pair of duck feet socks for a friends baby.
@Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ I bet those were cute!!! I will try and upload a picture.
@Marjorie Ive been trying to find a photo of the ones I knitted, but alas, it seems to have been lost in the mists of time ... only 2 years ago mind, so just goes to show how bad my electronic filing system is!!! But this is a photo from the pattern I used.
They were mind bendingly hard, using techniques Id never used before... or even heard of. But deeply satisfying when they were finished.
Cant wait to see how yours turns out.
Olive hat with pimento top.
I totally love it. Very cool.
Hi, I am very good at making Japanese traditional kabuki masks. Kabuki is a traditional style of Japanese theatre. It is a theatrical style with a very rich history. Originating from the 1600s it’s incorporated the social topics of that time and even after many renditions, sanctions from leaders, and changes it is still as popular as ever.