Migration/Installs Issues

Community Leader
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October 29, 2019

Good evening All,

Can you please share with the group an issue that you faced while performing an upgrade or install where you had to completely change plans after informing the company that you will be upgrading or installing an Application? It doesn't have to be an Atlassian Tool.

Hoping to read lot of stories.




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Ravi_P November 7, 2019

It does happen with software installations. For a new install, there could be few unknowns like firewalls, anti-virus, smtp server, ldap authentication, etc.,

It is always a good idea to try the installation/upgrade in a lower environment. I refresh lower environment from production and upgrade/test in lower env. I take the mysql/postgres dumps and exact copies of production filesystems minus daily exports, logs, .bundled/.osgi plugins, attachments, etc., to do the upgrade in the lower env. If an alternate instance is not available, you can do this on your local machine, if client is fine with it, or spin up a couple of docker containers.

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