Hello Everyone,
Billy here.
@Fadoua had a great article https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Northern-Virginia/What-new-skill-did-you-learn/gpm-p/1356053
...and I was like, why don't we do this in an online form?
Shifting to our all online meetups, we can do these really at any point.
Especially given our situation with schools and juggling all the things, what if we did this over a lunch break? Or middle of the afternoon?
...early morning...? ( <- this will need coffee injection)
Let's plan to hangout on 30 Apr.
Comments below on the time we should do are welcome!
After 4 is good for me, or around 11/12 noon, not an early person! :(
We have Sprint Review on that day, so after 4 works better for me too!
I got two votes for 430 PM EST.
We'll try to cap it around an hour, so people can still be home in time for dinner!
We're live now! Hit me up if you need the invite!
Some notes from our meeting
- Live Templates for Confluence. They are awesome, check them out
(live means they'll render while you're editing your page without having to be published first )
- Dashboards in under 10 minutes: Here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VswPTqLQzqA