Good morning to all of you on the other side of the world!
It is now 8am at Atlassian's HQ in Sydney, and as people across those early time zones of the world, either begin their penultimate work day of the year with a coffee, or have the week off and are now nursing XMas hangovers, it is sure to be another busy week for all as the End Of The Gregorian Calendar takes place.
Those of you who are long suffering associates of The Fun Man know all too well how every year at the end of December I rant about my contempt for new year's resolutions and all that 'rhyming dry with the name of a month' shenanigans.
I just don't believe in it, because I am all about everyday being a new day, with new opportunities, and constantly trying to iterate on being a better me!
#agile #small-a
Therefore, I decided to put a FUN twist on the whole changing of the year business, by having all of us look at:
Do you work for an Atlassian Foundation customer, and what impact have you had and will have?
Are you heavily involved with a local charity and been busting weekends to help them out big time?
Whatever your Social Impact passion, let's get busy with a nice Retro!!! I'll let you all go first and then will be back myself on New Year's Eve, to post my own!
ps: couldn't find a really nice GIF of "Social Impact" so bonus kudos to anyone who posts an epic one. In the meantime, here with my favourites "Donuts" GIF, which is very vaguely related to new year diet goals...
Fun Man Andy
ACE Rotterdam: Chapter Leader
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