Hello all,
I am creating a Jira software - cloud project from scratch. I am a bit confused about using the transition screen and issue operation screen( issue edit). Someone, please explain.
Thanks for your comments!
I have created an issue edit screen and added all the fields needed.
For example "new" - "In Progress" transition added a validation. Here, can I reuse the issue edit screen or create another screen only used on this transition. And why?
So, screens are not locked to any particular purpose. They're a resource that can be reused in any place you want.
They really are just "a list of fields to present to a human" and can be used by anything that needs to be able to offer a human a set of fields.
So, yes, you can use the same screen for edit and a transition, or use different ones. Some projects happily use the same screen for create, view, and edit, and a "resolve" screen for closing issues (it has a resolution filed on it, the others do not). Others will use totally different screens for every different action.
This is one of the things Jira is good for - huge flexibility (at the price of being not easy to admin)
Validation has nothing to do with screens, other than it's done in the workflow near the screens.
Thanks for explaining.
My Edit Issue screen has many fields, so I think it will be easier for the users if I have a different screen for the transition when the validation is only for one / two fields.
Yes, where you can keep a transition simple, do so, always a good idea!
Hi Rekha,
Here is an explanation of the workflow which explains at a very high level all the components of the advanced workflows settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBj8ZrQbWlQ
Here is an overview of transitions screens and how to create them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIKYX-z4meM
I hope this helps.
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