Say-Do Ratio in Jira

Andrew L. Thomas
November 18, 2021

When you look at the data from the Velocity Chart, it provides the Stories Comitted and the Stories Completed. It's alreaady there in Jira. 

So why wouldn't Atlassian create a report to assist the ScrumMaster or user with the Say-Do information?



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Johnny FromCanada
November 18, 2021

IMO (and that of many Lean-Agilists):  Calling a forecast a “commitment” leads to dysfunction.  And comparing actuals to forecast/estimates leads to dysfunction.  They also distract from focussing on healthier, more-actionable indicators (like flow metrics).

Andrew L. Thomas
November 18, 2021


But on the contrary, your Sprint Planning should provide your clients with predictability. As I mentioned in my post, your comitted work vs. your aactual completed work within a sprint is in fact your say-do for that sprint. 

A report that averages this would be helpful in Jira since it's being captured. 


In addition, the story churn should also be considered.

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Johnny FromCanada
November 18, 2021

Say-Do is traditional, typically dysfunctional, and not very actionable. There are far more-humane and actionable Lean-Agile ways to achieve “predictability”.  See flow metrics (per Kanban Guides), #NoEstimates, reference-class forecasting (via Monte Carlo simulation).

Just because we can track something does not mean we should.  And just because a tool does something does not mean it is correct or even meaningful.

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Andrew L. Thomas
November 18, 2021

To paraphrase a part of your reply (Say-Do is traditional, typically dysfunctional, and not very actionable. There are far more-humane and actionable Lean-Agile ways to achieve “predictability”.), I'd say that depends on what your goals are as an agile team. 

The reason I asked the initial question is because my team is aiming for autonomy...anyone can pick up an issue and work it, anyone can operate in a DevOps role, and anyone can manage their work. In my mind, it meaans that during Sprint Planning, we know what we can do, we understand our environments, and we can more accuretely predict our outcomes. 

Say-do in this instance helps us to align with these principles, achieve our goals, and be more strategic in the areas of what we commit to, and what we can accomplish...the metric itself is a good measure for tracking how much work to agree to based on what the return of our investment is telling us. 

I don't disagree with your sentiments, but I can not whole heartedly agree with them as teams differ in their maturity as well as their goals....

Johnny FromCanada
November 19, 2021

I do not agree at all.  Agree to disagree.

Beware Goodhart's Law:  When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

Also per Eli Goldratt:  Tell me how you measure me, and I will tell you how I will behave.

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March 28, 2024

The Say/Do Ratio Chart is not available out-of-the-box, so I have created a simple Say/Do Ratio Chart gadget app (free to use, not yet on the Marketplace).

Please tell me if anyone is interested in trying it out.

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