We currently use BMC for incident tracking (support calls, service requests) and then BugTracker for software development (defect tracking, new features). We are going to start using JIRA Software & Service Desk as a replacement for both systems. We are using JIRA Cloud (strategic initiative to not have anything locally hosted).
** Organization:
We have about 40+ applications that we've developed in house for back office operations and our field teams to use. Each application pretty much only has 1 developer that maintains it (one developer covers several apps).
We have a Helpline of 4 people that fields calls for application support and other business needs (such as payroll, hr, expense questions, type of things). They will be the primary users of Service Desk.
We have our IT infrastructure team that consists of the DBAs & Network Services that maintains and handles all issues regarding your standard IT needs (scripts to update data / run custom sql reports, servers needing maintenance, routers, Citrix, etc.).
Finally, our Client Services team that receives requests from customers (not necessarily our employees) to make changes to their custom installation of our solutions and manages new customer onboarding.
** Projects:
With all this we have the random projects that may span resources from IT infrasturcture and Development and Client Services. The true temporary timeboxed Project that has a clear beginning, middle and end. We need to track all the tasks that go along with all of them.
** Using JIRA:
Is this a good way to structure this within Jira? (Open to better suggestions)
Project #1 = Product A
Project #2 = Product B
Project #3-40 = Product C to XX
Project #41 = Service Desk / Helpline
Project #42 = IT Requests (Server Issues)
Projcet #43 = Client Services (Customer Needs/Onboarding)
Project #44 = DBA Requests
Project #45-?? = PMO Projects
My issue with this comes to if the a PMO project uses Product B & Product D. The PMO wants to see everything needed for that one specific project, but on the Development side, we want to see all the issues/releases for the one specific Product. Where is it best to place that issue, under the Product D project or the PMO Project?
Do we create a matching release for that Project under Product D? What if the release to Product D is for multiple projects at the same time? Should we just use labels instead to group PMO Projects?
** Change Control Board Items
We have some issues that must go through a CCB to approve before they can be completed. This is generally "run this SQL script against production data" or "give user access to this server" or "add more memory" or "deploy v4.56 of Product D to production." Should that be another Project or should we just use issue types to indicate a CCB item?
Surely we can't be the first to need this and somewhat hoping there is a cookie-cutter template we can follow that best sets up for our needs.
Thanks for all that feedback Rachel as you have great insight. Our organization is in a similar boat as Keith. We are about to begin with the implementation of Jira in our environment. We are replacing our Service Desk solution (BMC service Desk) as well as our Project Management solution (Workfront AtTask) into this one tool. On the project management side - within Jira - I haven't really gotten a handle on how it manages individual tasks within a project. The projects our department handle have a clear start and end. They aren't necessarily projects that live on forever. So i'm trying to figure out how Jira can help with our basic project management needs of managing tasks with start and end dates. I'm assuming that tasks are now called issues within the project. Our project management philosphy within our department is very simple. We have one portfolio view of all projects with start and end dates. Then within each project we manage the tasks and who they are assigned to with start and end dates. That's it - really simple. So i'm trying to figure out the best approach to have Jira handle this for us as it is a much larger solution than what we will use it for.
Thank you for any insight you might have
Hi Jason,
It takes a little while to get used to the terminology. Yes, you're right, a task is an "issue."
Let's say the company wants me to build a car and also build an RV. Those are two pretty big projects, but they can live within the same "container" (project) in JIRA. Since the car and RV will both have the same type of design and building process, and be built by the same types of teams, it's OK (desireable) to have them both, and lots of other "things to build" in the same JIRA project.
Let's give this immaginary JIRA project a long name of "Things to Build" and a unique key of "BUILD."
First, I'll create an Epic for the car and another Epic for the RV. Then, I'd create Stories and Tasks underneath the Epics for the steps that need to occur to get the vehicles built. I can further break up the Stories and Tasks with child issues (Sub-tasks.) When flaws are detected, I'll create Bug issues to get them fixed. I'll give all these issues (Epics, Stories, Tasks, Bugs, Sub-Tasks) due dates, so I know when target completion is. I'll also assign all these issues to a release, using the "Version" field. (Hopefully this helps answer your time boxing question.) When all the (child) Sub-Tasks are closed, I can close any of the (parent) Stories and Tasks. When all the Stories, Tasks, and Bugs are closed, I can close the (grandparent) Epics. And then I can take a cool trip in my new vehicles. ;)
Here's how these issues might look if descripted in plain old text. I added the name of the issue type you might use in parenthesis.
Each issue in a JIRA project has a unique ID. The IDs are sequential, based on the order issues are created.
You have three possible levels of hirearchy out of the box.
Now, let's say the Legal team has to respond to law suits related to my poor buiding of these vehicles. (Where are these examples ideas coming from??? It's late on a Friday...LOL.)
Since the Components, Permissions, Notifications, and types of users would differ in the project to support law suits, that would be a good use case for a second JIRA project. Let's call that project "Legal" with the key "LEGAL."
LEGAL-1 is filed due to more flaws in the speedometer. I could indicate LEGAL-1 was caused by BUILD-7 by linking the two issues in JIRA.
Further, the LEGAL project could be used to support any legal issue at the company. No need for one JIRA project for everything the LEGAL team might handle.
Hope this helps one or more of you!
Rachel Wright
Great post Rachel, one of the best I've seen talking about best understanding Projects in Jira as containers of distinct work instances in an organization. I am in the process of setting up as well - small web company managing multitude or websites and with a terrible previous implementation of Jira which was run by many teams that have come and gone in the last 6 years while the company has pretty much not developed anything new and spent 90% of time servicing technical debt. We are actually going to switch the entirety over all of the company tasks to Jira, including finance (I plan to import invoices out of Quickbooks into related Projects where our one sales lead will attach CRM to a large project called "site content," since he sells sponsorships to advertisers who we in turn handle getting on our sites by making sure engineering gets them implemented into the webpage, so I am going to pass on doing a "sales" project and just have the function of sales represented by the other tools like custom fields, etc. at my disposal. We are going to add a "Legal" project for the few issues we have there, very cool to see you mention that!
Hi All,
I have few question about this topic. We use to separate Functional and customer based issues in a separate project (Jira) from development frameworks projects. We made this choice because we have multiple software technologies used for each solution, essentially backend (Java), frontend(.NET) and legacy (Cobol...sorry but this is reality).
Each technology has it's own versioning and release timing, so we decided to have a Jira Project for each technology code (we also have bitbucket, bamboo...) and a functional/ business project for each customer or branch.
As you can understand it's hard to mantain all the issue aligned. Our project are both Agile (Kanban and Scrum) and PMI pure (we are evaluating Clarizen and Big Picture).
Everytime we hacve to face with the problem of multiple Jira Project maintenance (Version, Components, labels...).
Do you have a suggestion or a way that give us a best practice approach?
Thank you
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