Product Management Certification

Jessica Chase June 10, 2019

Hi all, 

I am jumping back into project/product management after a few years of working on other projects. What certifications do you recommend to make sure I am managing our tech projects efficiently/effectively? I want to make sure our project is completed in an efficient manner while still getting along well with our developers and tech staff. Any recommendations for getting started?



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carolyn french
Community Leader
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June 13, 2019

Hi Jessica and welcome!

Would be helpful to understand what kind of projects you are going to be working on? agile software development? what's your background? what Atlassian products are you using?

If you will be admin of Jira and/or Confluence, I highly recommend the Atlassian certifications. Just going through all the topics and understanding the best practices, and the nuances to setting up projects and using knowledge bases will be a good refresher for you.

Best of luck!


Jessica Chase June 13, 2019

Hi Carolyn,

Thank you for your response. Yes, we are working on 1) building a new product with various tasks that will need to be completed using agile methodology 2) we will be building a new website using agile methodology as well. I don't have a lot of project management background, but I do have a little.  It sounds like this training is a good place to start... Do you agree? 


Thanks again,


carolyn french
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 5, 2019

Hi Jessica,

Sorry for the delay to get back to you...

Here are some Project Management templates (I love the project poster and DACI ones!):

Do you know if you will use Jira Software Cloud or Server? The course in the link you gave is for Server, so just to make sure that's what you need. If it is, it looks like it covers all the topics to get you feeling confident to lead the team!

Best of luck,

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