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Due date alerts

Chris Rose June 11, 2018

Looking for away to set up an alert for tickets that have a due date associated with them.

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June 11, 2018
Chris Rose June 11, 2018

This is a super interesting feature, however im looking more for something that will alert me on a specific ticket not a filter. Will this work the same? And can i specify the exact date i want?

Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 12, 2018

Hello @Chris Rose,

When you subscribe to a filter, you can choose when you want to receive the email: once a day, once a week, etc., or even based on a cron expression. I guess a daily subscription to issues with due date = today would do the job for you!

You could also add a Filter results gadget on your dashboard to track overdue issues:

due <= now() and resolution is EMPTY 

Hope this helps,

- Manon

Chris Rose June 12, 2018

Thanks Manon, This is also super helpful.

- Chris R

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