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Cant see project dashboards

Scott_farrel88 January 9, 2023

I was recently invited to a team with multiple projects.  When I accepted the invite and created my account,  I am unable to see the dashboard. I get notifications when my name is mentioned, but that is all I see.  I need to be able to view and edit all projects in the portfolio.   Doesnt anybody know what I can do.  I submitted a request to support, but they are unable to assist.  



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Scott_farrel88 January 9, 2023

I expect to see this viewScreenshot_20230109_205710_Jira.jpg

Sushant Verma
Community Leader
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January 9, 2023

Hi @Scott_farrel88 

As Nicolas said, Please check if filters are shared properly. Might be filters are not properly shared in the dashboard.

Sushant Verma

AUG Leaders

Atlassian Community Events