How workload planning helps your team work smarter - Part 1

Hey Atlassian fam! It's Hind from Jaanga here, ready to share some useful insights with you. Today, we're diving into workload planning and how it can help your team work smarter, not harder.

Let's get started and make your work life a whole lot easier!

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We’ve all been there: one week you have more work than you can handle, and the next, you’re mindlessly browsing your LinkedIn feed. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you and your team had more consistent tasks every week?

Workload management helps you distribute tasks equally among employees based on availability, skill levels, and general business goals.

Without it, your business will be sinking time into unprofitable projects, burning out key employees, and losing its competitive edge.

How can one stay away from this? Using the best methods for boosting productivity and efficiency across the board that are covered in this article.

What is Workload Planning?

Workload planning is the process of allocating and managing tasks and responsibilities among team members to ensure that projects are completed efficiently and on time.

It includes:

  • Planning work

  • Prioritizing essential activities

  • Organizing task lists

It's a strategic approach to make sure you meet your objectives by optimizing the output of your team. It is basically the process of allocating work to a team in an efficient way so work is evenly and intentionally distributed.

Planning a workload is a dynamic process. As your project evolves or your team's dynamics change, you'll need to periodically examine and adjust how much work you assign to each member.


Why is Workload Planning important?

Workload planning benefits your entire business. Here are just some of the many benefits workload planning can bring to your organization:

  • Reduce employee stress and burnout: 47% of employees who suffer burnout blame their workload. Workload planning gives you the ability to prevent employee burnout before it becomes an issue by making sure that each employee is assigned consistent, manageable work.

  • Give managers insights into the team’s work: You can determine who within your team is performing at the top and who is not by reviewing your team’s current workload. You’ll also find ways to optimize your workload allocation to get everyone performing at similar levels.

  • Improve employee satisfaction and engagement: 58% of employees aren't completely happy with their daily tasks, which makes them less engaged and less productive. With workload planning, you can play to your employee’s strengths and interests when planning their tasks.

  • Reduce errors: You can ensure that the employee is qualified to complete the highest-priority work by allocating assignments according to skill sets. You’ll better match tasks to specific skills across the board.

  • Provide a single source of truth: Providing clear task assignments, transparency, and deadlines resolves any communication difficulties between employees and workers.

  • Increases productivity: Above all, workload planning has a positive impact on the output of your team’s productivity.


Main Challenges in Workload Management

  1. Prioritizing Tasks:

Determining which tasks are the most critical and should be tackled first can be difficult, especially when there are competing priorities. Effective workload management requires clear prioritization to ensure that the most important tasks are addressed in a timely manner.

Tip: Assign priority levels (e.g., High, Medium, Low) to each task in Jira. This helps team members focus on the most critical tasks first.

  1. Dealing with Dependencies:

Many tasks are dependent on the completion of others, which can complicate workload management. Understanding and visualizing these dependencies is essential to prevent bottlenecks and delays.

Tip: Always link related issues in Jira to visualize dependencies.

  1. Communication and Collaboration:

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and duplicated efforts. Ensuring that all team members are on the same page and have access to the necessary information is vital for effective workload management.

Tip: Integrate Jira with Confluence to create detailed documentation and project plans.

  1. Adapting to Change:

Projects are dynamic, and changes are inevitable. Teams must be able to adapt their workload plans to accommodate shifting priorities, new tasks, and unforeseen challenges. Flexibility and real-time updates in workload management tools are key to handling these changes smoothly.

Tip: Use Jira’s Agile boards (Scrum or Kanban) to manage and adapt to changes in real-time.


Effective workload planning is a crucial element in ensuring your team works smarter, not harder. By understanding and addressing the main challenges of prioritizing tasks, dealing with dependencies, enhancing communication, and adapting to change, you can boost your team's productivity and satisfaction. But this is just the beginning…

Stay tuned for our next article where we'll dive deeper into How to Effectively Manage Your Team’s Workload in Jira, where we'll explore practical strategies, tips, and best practices to help you leverage Jira's powerful tools and features to optimize your team's workload management.


Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 11, 2024

@Hind Kadiri From Jaanga great start to a series I am looking forward to following!

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Hind Kadiri From Jaanga
Atlassian Partner
July 11, 2024

Thank you @Andy Gladstone and stay tuned for part 2 😉

Mark Kinley
July 18, 2024

Excellent Training/Guideline Syllabus. I will be applying these steps immediately.



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Hind Kadiri From Jaanga
Atlassian Partner
July 18, 2024

Glad that you found it useful @Mark Kinley !

Jonathan Santos
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 18, 2024

excellent summary, I'm going to share it with my colleagues! thank you :)

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