email settings TLS

Mikael Opdal
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February 26, 2020

Since Microsoft turns off TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, I need to change these settings in Jira's Desktop. Where do I do it?

POP3 and Imap will be turn off if you are using O365.


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
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February 27, 2020

Hey Mikael,

Thanks for reaching out ahead of time to prepare for Microsoft's deprecation of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 for email connections to Office 365. After June 2020 when TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will be rejected on Microsoft's side, POP3 and IMAP will continue working if they're handled over TLS 1.2.

In Jira Server, some extra configuration is needed to enable TLS 1.2 for incoming and outgoing mail. In order to apply these settings, you'll need to be running Jira on Java 8 or above. If you're not sure about this, you can use Jira's System Information Page to determine which version of Java you're running under. Again, you want Java 8 or above in order to apply these settings. Most installations of Jira should be fine, although you may find Java 7 in very old versions of Jira or servers that were set up a long time ago.

  1. Get ready to add startup parameters to Jira - instructions for Linux and Windows here
  2. Add these two startup flags:
  3. Restart Jira

After this, Jira should negotiate a TLS 1.2 connection with Office 365!



Atlassian documentation reference: JIRA Mail initiates TLSv1 connection only 

Mikael Opdal
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 27, 2020

Hi Daniel Eads, 

We are using Jira service desk = no server where I can do any changes! Sorry about not writing that in to the question. All that we have is a web login. 

I can see that the mail addresses that we are using accessing 0365 using TLS 1.0. 

So do you have a soultion for me, when you have this new parameters?

Dieter Joseph March 2, 2020

Hi Mikael, 

Not sure if this helps. Here's what I've done to get email working between Office 365 and Jira Service Desk Cloud edition, and hopefully, I'm not anticipating and issues when MS deprecate the support for TLS 1.0. 


  • Ensure the mailbox on O365 has the IMAP protocol enabled against it. ( I actually had this turned of for every account in our tenant, and this initially caught me out ) 
  • In Jira, click on the Cog  -> Jira Settings -> System -> Mail -> Incoming Mail Server 
  • Click edit. Then ensure you have Protocol set to SECURE_IMAP. Hostname is and you have your correct username and password for the account set. 

I think the selection for SECURE_IMAP automatically ensures port 993 is set. 

And that should be it. 



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