One Organisation, separate departments

Tom Hopes June 14, 2019


New here and configuring our Jira Cloud Service desk and Jira Software. I have two questions/discussion points I am interested to hear what people have done.

1) One organisation but different departments and I would like to ensure that each customer is separated into their departments so when I produce monthly reports I can deliver who has logged most tickets by department.

How are people doing this? Are people using Atlassian People to do this as Teams? Or is it a case of creating a custom field within the customer profile to record this?


2)Also we are moving from Zendesk which we have used purely as users emailing in so the portal will be foreign concept. So to transition we are allowing users to email and will then introduce the portal at a later date.

I don't think we'll ever remove people from emailing in so do you know if it's possible that when a emailed ticket comes in can you define it in to a specific issue type to ensure we're logging the relevant information or following the correct workflow?


Many thanks in advance.





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Atlassian Team
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July 1, 2019

Hi Tom,

I'm taking a stab at this and coming up with a solution I haven't tested. 

I'll start with 2). You can use an automation rule that triages incoming e-mail requests into issues based on e-mail summary.

Additionally for 1) you could setup the automation rule above to match by reporter. You can choose person by person but also you can have a group.  On that rule you can add a label to the ticket, or you can populate a field you want that would be the department of that person. This way you could serve per reports based on users / departments / issue types.

The downside is that you need 1 rule per dept. Have a look at a sample config below.

Let me know if this works for you.





Automation Screen:

Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at 2.15.21 pm.png

Rule Config:

Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at 2.17.06 pm.png

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