So we are starting a new collaboration with several engineers that already use Confluence and Jira. We are working on creating a new design for a low cost Early Childhood Mobility device for children who may be in the pipeline for a powered wheelchair in the future.
Sounds really cool.
Is there a Confluence instance that everyone can access?
If so, maybe just create a Space for your efforts?
Throw up pages for sub-projects or aspects of the project.
It is easy enough to rearrange the pages into a hierarchy if/when it becomes desireable.
Creat a home page which shows you all open Jira issues and open Confluence tasks on the same page.
when having some rolling meeting note, i highly recommend having a task report at the top of the meeting note, otherwhise open Confluence task will get lost easily.
Confluence tasks?
I'm not finding that in help/docs.
Hi Jay
If you edit a Confluence page, you can add a check box for a Confluence Task.
If you add @name and //date, you can assign and set a due date at this tasks.
If the other users do add the task report macro, for there assigned tasks, on there Confluence Home Page, they will see there tasks right away.