I'd like to create personal profile pages for our team.
Anyone got any tips on the best way they have found to do this?
I see there are a couple of options for apps to improve the personal profile like this. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/29106/user-profiles-for-confluence?hosting=server&tab=overview
What have other people done?
Thanks Sven, my aim is to have a profile page for each team member so that new staff can jump in and get an idea about their colleagues on a professional and some sort of personal level.
Done this before using Google Sites as the company intranet several times, but I'm new to confluence and there are a lot more ways to skin the cat Im finding for everything :)
We're the creators of the Linchpin Intranet Suite. You may want to checkout our user profile solution in Linchpin.
These videos may help you to understand the pitch better: