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×As an admin at every level, it would be extremely helpful to be able to set the default setup of navigation options for our users that are visible/hidden on the sidebar and that will unfurl within projects & other sections as a starting point. Loving the ability to make things more targeted and clean to have people focus on the most important work, but the nav can be cleaner and admins can assist.
As mentioned in that last point above, Jira Service Management projects and Jira Product Discovery projects still have a ton of sections in the sidebar when you unfurl them in the new navigation. JPD sections can be moved and deleted. Will there be any way to customize what shows under a JSM project? Like the thought behind tabs, there are a bunch of sections that may not be relevant to certain projects (e.g. JSM is showing many of the apps there that the developers may have setup incorrectly and it is confusing compared to the apps section and brings the users to the wrong place away from their project; some projects may not use queues and only use dashboards; some projects may not want user to raise a request through that sidebar link because they utilize a different help center; many projects do not utilize Reports nor the Knowledge Base sections, etc.).
Hey Greg, I'm Dave a designer manager on the JSM team working on the new navigation, thanks for the great suggestion! Project level customisation is something we are actively exploring at the moment so this is a very timely post. Would you be interested in having a chat so I can learn more about your needs for project level customisation? If you're keen, feel free to email me a dwilson@atlassian.com. Thanks again and look forward to chatting soon hopefully, Dave.