There have been a lot of cosmetic changes across the Jira family of products lately. And I don't really see where this need or ask is coming from. Maybe it's a response from the and Asana crowd that Jira's interface is outdated.
But I think that overall, the people who use Jira are happy with the interface. What they are NOT happy with is that it keeps changing sporadically and without much warning. I realize that is what you are trying to do with giving us a sneak peak right now. But why put all of this effort into this instead of just fixing the myriad of functional requests that are in the JAC?
One of the most frustrating things you can do to Jira users is constantly monkey with the interface. For awhile there are top navigation menus. Then all of sudden there are side navigation options. Then a combination. Then JWM comes out with a product specific top nave menu structure which is different from all of the other tools.
And now a different navigation/menu structure is being worked on. Surely, you saw the uproar when the product navigation was changed recently. And the feedback was so bad, there were parts that had to be put back in place.
Simply put, you can't keep doing this to your user base. If you roll this out, there amount of screaming will be at an all time high. The attitude in the past seems to have been, let them scream for a while and eventually they will get over it. And all of the new customers will see only the new one anyway, so it all works out.
Please, please, please don't let this be the case this time. Please, please, please, put a hold on all cosmetic changes until there all of the highest JAC requests are fixed first.
John Funk
Jira Business Administrator, Freeosk
ProVision Systems
Kalispell, MT
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