Hi all!
I've just upgraded WebDriverIO from 6 to 8, then also
Then, something in 8 version seems be changed because the FAILURES and ERRORS have always the same counters and the tab test on the pipeline is empty (there's a new section <failure/> .
<testsuite name="When admin try to XXX" timestamp="2023-11-07T12:23:53" time="15.082" tests="2" failures="2" errors="2" skipped="0">
<property name="specId" value="0"/>
<property name="suiteName" value="When XXX"/>
<property name="capabilities" value="chrome.111_0_5563_146.linux"/>
<property name="file" value="file://./tests/AAA.js"/>
<testcase classname="chrome.111_0_5563_146.linux.When_admin_XXX" name="XXXX" time="14.363">
<error message="element ("#header-divvv") still not existing after 10000ms"/>
Error: element ("#header-divvv") still not existing after 10000ms
at Context.<anonymous> (/Users/XXX.js:65:9)