eazyBI burndown chart story points discrepancies

Clifford Lee
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September 24, 2018


Can someone help me understand the following:

  1. In the eazyBI report, the predicted path in the sprint burndown report does not align with the committed story points in the beginning of the sprint, but in the JIRA report it does.  Can you help me understand why it doesn’t align as expectedly should?
  2. In the eazyBI report below, the story point remaining (purple line) drops rapidly down to 0 on the very last day, why is that?  The report is exported from the dashboard sample.  This occurs for every single sprint as well.

 I've attached the original JIRA report and the eazyBI sprint burndown report.  Would appreciate some urgent help.  Many thanks.


sprint burndown eazyBI.jpgsprint burndown jira.jpg

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Fabian Lim
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October 13, 2021

Hi Clifford,

Instead of using "story points resolved" I would use "story points completed". 

I suspect just some stories that were added to you sprint were already resolved. (Meaning that the resolution was set)


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