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Webhook activation for Issue created not working for Jira server but clould it's working fine

MzM November 14, 2019

When an issue is created in Jira, we need to fire a Webhooks to share point to create the SharePoint folder for the jira issue. After creation, we should update the Jira issue with the SharePoint folder URL.

Use Case – I’ve created a Webhooks on Jira server , somehow its not creating a folder or request is not reaching to SharePoint. Note, the same config it's working fine in Cloud Jira but not on Jira server, any thing missing here or wondering do we’ve any product limitations etc..

Suggestions welcome..




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MzM January 13, 2020

This got fixed by myself after doing some research..


FYI... This seems to be a bug during run time the URL appended by adding some random values.  This will work with minor changes as mentioned below..


Replaced the URL as below ..

%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2F with /triggers/manual/

/{issue.key} with /${issue.key}

Since I see a lot of views somehow I thought my findings would helpful if someone same issues..


Note - Plz make sure port/ firewalls are opened




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